
Glen Drover's Wall of Blood is out this week too. I haven't heard anything from it but it has a different vocalist for every song including Todd La Torre, Tom Owens and Chuck Billy.

More new stuff from this year ....

Chainbreaker - Lethal Desire -

Brahmastra - 12th Planet - Blackened Thrash with some middle eastern influences - Perth, Australia

Pandorium - The Eye of the Beholder

Anonymus - Sacrifices - French Candian thrash

Blatant Disarray - Ebon Path
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That Chainbreaker album is probably one of the better 'unknown' thrash bands I've heard so far this year. It's not perfect but as a debut release (not including an EP and a demo) it's pretty good.
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Also had that Tempered EP recced to me today, very solid.

In other Thrash news, the 2009 Heathen release clicked for me this past week, when I remember not caring for it when it came out.
That Critical Defiance album is available from their label Unspeakable Axe right now for $7+ shipping. They’re having a 30% off sale on their whole distro. Grabbed it and a few more CDs myself.
Take a photo of the Critical Defiance CD and send it to @CiG so he can admire it more and more every day. He wont need the CD the music is about as average as thrash gets these days.
Yeah... I won't be buying that one.

I have quality control issues when labels have sales. Tbh I mostly wanted the new Corpsessed and Ritual Necromancy cds from him though and the first Scorched album.

Now that being said, I kinda feel the same about Chainbreaker as you guys do about this album.

It's alright but I feel like Hells Headbangers releases 15-20 slight variation albums of that thrash/speed/trad/black/motorhead/punk mix thing they love so much every year. I'll probably get it when its clearanced to $5 or whatever.
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When it comes to that thrashy metalpunk shit I usually just save my money for Whipstriker releases, can't be bothered with the rest. Though Hellripper is fucking insanely good too.
When it comes to that thrashy metalpunk shit I usually just save my money for Whipstriker releases, can't be bothered with the rest. Though Hellripper is fucking insanely good too.

I buy a lot of it, I'm a sucker for anything motorheady. It's almost always 10 bucks for a cd which is always nice too. The latest Bonehunter was a pretty cool one. Vanik pretty much delivered too, listened to that one a ton in my car before retiring it to my music room.

I liked both of those Critical Defiance tracks TB posted after just now listening to them (12 hrs after I bought it lol) so that a plus
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Majority of my tape collection is that motorpunk shit so trust me I get it, but I found myself slowly getting lost in a sea of it and had to pull back and calm down, because it's all so samey and it was getting out of hand haha. Agree with you about Bonehunter as well, shit slays! Gehennah are still the masters though!

Ever get into the band Decibel Rebels BTW?
Another issue is that most of the subsubsubgenre is overshadowed by several motorhead albums.

Majority of my tape collection is that motorpunk shit so trust me I get it, but I found myself slowly getting lost in a sea of it and had to pull back and calm down, because it's all so samey and it was getting out of hand haha. Agree with you about Bonehunter as well, shit slays! Gehennah are still the masters though!

Ever get into the band Decibel Rebels BTW?

Never really listened to Decibel Rebels that I can recall, but I know I've saw this album art before.

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