
So I guess Watchtower has reformed and creating new album...and is headlining KIT XIII with Candlemass(Epicus Doomicus Metallicus show!!!!)
So I guess Watchtower has reformed and creating new album...and is headlining KIT XIII with Candlemass(Epicus Doomicus Metallicus show!!!!)
Damn, that show would be awesome to see. Any idea when the new album is scheduled to come out?
Their MySpace says 2010. I saw Ink Complete as Watchtower album 2.5, so if this next one is similar but just a bit more thrash-centric/less instrumental it should be great.



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Necrodeath's early work is greatly underappreciated. Have you heard Schizo? Another very awesome Italian thrash band. Their newest album was great too.
No, I've never heard anything by Schizo. I will have to check them out, thanks.

Been spinning this a lot lately. Russ Anderson is such a great singer, he really reminds me of John Arch.

Best album ever!!

Love the Wargasm too, Why Play Around is a great album from start to finish.
I don't think I've ever truly appreciated just how brilliant this album really is until now:

Coroner's RIP is what a hypothetical Di'Anno-Maiden should have sounded like in 85/86. Epic galloping speed/thrash.

When the drums come in with that steady beat around 0:45, I cream myself from the sheer awesomeness.