
some thrash I picked up recently. Not mandatory stuff, but definitely worth a listen.

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Kicked my ass today. Some good stuff I had had that I nevergot around to checking out until today.
my band finally released our new EP, it's kinda a departure a bit from our old sound (it's still a bit there) so it'd be cool to hear what the thrashers have to think since this is well, a thread about thrash haha! let me know if you like it or let me know if you hate it, any feedback is appreciated!

here's the art:

my pc is messed up, i couldn't get into the website.

the new Warbringer is the best thrash i've heard from a while
OCR A Standard as the fucking main typeface for the back? That designer is gay. Belongs on sci-fi books and UPC codes only :p

Looks good :p
my band finally released our new EP, it's kinda a departure a bit from our old sound (it's still a bit there) so it'd be cool to hear what the thrashers have to think since this is well, a thread about thrash haha! let me know if you like it or let me know if you hate it, any feedback is appreciated!
Sweet, a new Invection EP. I really liked Demented Perception, so I'll definitely give this one a shot.
Nice! that's exactly what we were hoping the response would be haha. we were a bit worried since there are some sections that are a little bit more melodic and not as straight up thrash and may be a bit groovier but the response so far has been great and gives us hope that people dig the new stuff and whatever direction we might go in :kickass:
Their first album isn't terrible. Nothing special though.

First album is very mediocre, second is much better. But as others have said descent thrash band, but still worthy from time to time.
Anyone ever heard Baphomet's Blood? Speed metal from Italy with Necrovomiterror and R.R. Bastard from Blasphemophagher, top notch.