
Nah, sorry. It's cute and all, but probably the most overrated metal album that I can think of offhand. It isn't even the best Metallica album.

It IS the best Metallica album. It took all the good elements of the previous album, ditched schlocky elements, improved the vocals, drums and production. Its their tightest, most consistent album.
It added way too much slickness and had too many moments of obvious commercial intent. It was also way too dramatic without really communicating anything of real value in the more bombastic parts. No thanks.
You must think Kill Em All is their best just like dodens huh?

Or maybe I just like it because it's closer to the core of thrash, has rowdier vocals and more compact, NWOBHM-influenced songs that don't contain melodramatic filler. He and I don't even agree on what Slayer album is the best.
The first four Metallica albums are all unique in their own right, and it's not worth putting some over others, just enjoy them all for what they offer.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Holy fuck, Omni you are so full of shit it's not even funny. I mean, you seriously have got to be kidding me right now. Commercial intent?! Wat-ah?! They knew that type of music would never break into the mainstream, and to be quite honest, I'm sure at that moment in time they didn't give two shits about it either. Seriously, if they cared about becoming more commercialized, explain to me why they made AJFA after MoP instead of the Black Album?

:lol: So delusional I swear...
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Holy fuck, Omni you are so full of shit it's not even funny. I mean, you seriously have got to be kidding me right now. Commercial intent?! Wat-ah?! They knew that type of music would never break into the mainstream, and to be quite honest, I'm sure at that moment in time they didn't give two shits about it either. Seriously, if they cared about becoming more commercialized, explain to me why they made AJFA after MoP instead of the Black Album?

:lol: So delusional I swear...

You're the one valiantly proclaiming that a fairly average album is far and away the best album ever, so you're the delusional one. There's no denying that it's a slicker, more commercial album than the ones preceding it.
Kill Em' All was the best 'tallica album, and RTL was the second best. AJFA would be third if the production didnt suck ass.
I honestly cannot think of a more overrated album than MoP.
As it says in Bitencourt's sig,'I would rather get fucked in the ass by a wooden stake than listen James Hetfield's voice for an entire album',maybe not to that extreme but i've always found his voice to be fucking annoying.It's like he's a country singer trying to sing in a metal band.He tries way too hard and he accentuates his lyrics really embarassingly where it's not needed.I could handle him in his younger days (Kill Em All) but he gets worse the older he gets,and has ruined pretty much all their albums bar Kill Em All for this listener.I can't remeber the last time I put on a Metallica album.I think all the bogans here ruin them for me also.
You're the one valiantly proclaiming that a fairly average album is far and away the best album ever, so you're the delusional one. There's no denying that it's a slicker, more commercial album than the ones preceding it.

Did you seriously just use the "nuh uh you are" comeback? :guh:

In what way is it slicker and more commercial? I want an explanation because so far you're doing exactly what you always do and make statements about something and never elaborate on why you feel that way.

Quite honestly, I don't even know what the fuck "slicker and more commercial" means. It's not like they came out with some revolutionary album layout and tried getting more people to like the album. The layout of MoP is basically the same as RTL, you know, the album that preceeds MoP, and AJFA. It starts off with a badass heavy song, goes into the title song, into a slower paced, then comes the ballad-esque song, then back into some heavier shit, then comes the instrumental, and on MoP and AJFA they both end with some badass heavy song again. So again, I ask you, where in the fucking fuck did you get the idea that MoP is "slicker and more commercial" than RTL, even though it basically follows the same pattern as RTL as far as style of songs go, but happens to have better songs it?
Alright, you fuckers. I need to educate myself a little further in classic thrash. I want you to list all the thrash classics I absolutely need to own that are NOT from the following bands, since I have the classics albums from all of these:

Dark Angel

Massacra - Final Holocaust; Enjoy the Violence
Merciless - The Awakening
Demolition Hammer - Epidemic of Violence; Tortured Existence
Morbid Saint - Spectrum of Death
Magnus - Scarlet Slaughterer
Wicca - Splendeed Dead; Bloodrush
Pentagram (Chl) - Under the Spell of the Pentagram (comp.)
Carnivore - both albums
Witchery - Restless and Dead
Realm - Endless War; Suicieity
Razor - Violent Restitution; Shotgun Justice
Infernal Majesty - None Shall Defy
Witchammer - 1487