
Stop trying to continue a gay argument that you started and only you care about. It's clearly a much more accessible album with much more accessible songs and production than the albums preceding it. Shut the fuck up with your gay Metallica hero worship. You try to act like I go around starting things on this site, but your posts leading up to this one are a prime example of behavior that I would cringe at the thought of even attempting.

I honestly don't care about this argument, which should be obvious, although you clearly do since you were dumb enough to come into this thread specifically to insult people posting about a genre of music because they didn't include and album that you have delusional fantasies about among their favorites.

You're just a dumbass, seriously. Stop making comments about shit if you 1) don't know what the fuck you are talking about (which is so clearly evident by your stupid excuses to hate on MoP), and 2) are going to refuse to actually support them with evidence or an argument that even makes fucking sense.

I wasn't the one who said that MoP sounds more accessible and slicker or whatever, you did. So it makes no sense to say that I'm the one that started this argument, when again, it was quite obviously you who was throwing gas on the fire just so you could feel better about yourself.

You're just like this stupid bitch I work with. She can't take criticism, and whenever you point out something that she does wrong or can improve she turns it right back around on you like it's not her fault at all that she's a dumb bitch. You're so similar to her in fact, I'm having a hard time believing you are not her.

Either way, the point is, you need to shut your stupid fucking mouth, because 99% of the time you say something stupid and unsubstantiated and refuse to support your claims, thus making you an ignorant, self-absorbed cockrag.

aaaaaaaaaaanndd I'm done responding to you forever. FOAD
Ok gang, guess this is my annual "step in and say something" moment since lately I am getting a lot of reports that, this person should be banned, that person, these people, etc...

I would hope that after years of going through this, you all would learn to use the ignore feature of this site. Aren't we old enough now to stop squabbling over, really, stupid bullshit opinion shit? Seriously?

Going back to work - hoping no temp bans have to be handed down...
Have just finally checked out Vecktor's myspace after hearing about them for ages, very impressed. Quite technical and unorthodox, going to pick up their album I think. Nice to hear something a little different rather than simply a copy of 80s thrash (although that's not always a bad thing).

Vektor are fucking amazing. Black Future is my album of last year. Superb!!
Ran across this last week checking out some random heavy metal bands.

Sounds like Slayer ripped off this band for their infamous part of Raining Blood. check it.

My favorites:

Early Metallica, Megadeth and Anthrax
Nuclear Assault
Sacred Reich
Flotsam and Jetsam
Laaz Rockit

New breed:

Gama Bomb
Municipal Waste
The similarity between that riff and "Raining Blood" is hardly nefarious at all. Most thrash riffs are the result of riding the open low Eb string then completing the melody by throwing in a pattern that begins at an interval around, at, or even higher than an octave. The picking patterns and accents are totally different (which is really crucial in making that "Raining Blood" riff so fucking killer); and it's not like the pattern is unique or anything considering it's just descending from the ring finger to index finger one fret at a time with that jump from the Ab string to the Db string for more "space" in between the notes. Not to mention the moods of the two riffs are completely different. I've played the same thing countless times all around the neck because it becomes a matter of muscle memory after a while, and it sounds badass by nature.

Brad, you need to be subjected to Slayer therapy to quell your disorder of not appreciating Slayer enough.
Been listening to Slayer almost as long as you've been alive dude. Maybe if their stuff didn't all sound so boring after Hell Awaits I'd listen to 'em more.