
They're great, but I wouldn't call them the best metal albums ever.
IMO that title would go to one of the Judas Priest albums.
>death metal gods
And not Thrash. Moving on.

I've been in love with Malleus Maleficarum, Fear of Tomorrow and Slaughter in the Vatican ever since I bought them yesterday and haven't been putting them down.
This board, although most claim it's not the truth, is prejudice against most of the more popular bands, especially newer ones.

That being said, I dont want to argue about it, and we really shouldnt clog up the thrash thread with an argument about Nile. (which, wasnt your fault in the first place)

So any like Warhammer?
They're kind of a proto thrash/doom/death band, very celtic frost/hellhammer~ish... but I enjoy them quite a bit.
