
Listening to Heathen - The Evolution of Chaos.

I have the same complaint I had for Victims of Deception. There is some great stuff, then they get weird and have too many mellow passages and that dumb spoken word piece in that one song. I think I started appreciating VoD more, maybe this can also grow on me. There is definitely early Metallica worship in this band.

I partially agree. I think it's a great album but there are a lot of times where it just drags on or loses its energy; the long songs are ok as long as they're like Hypnotized but when they're super long and don't keep up that aggression and momentum I tend to lose interest and go back to the better songs.
What do you guys think about the new wave of thrash metal. Bands like Evile, Warbringer, Violator, Lazarus A.D, etc....
I like that there is new thrash. I have not heard all of the bands, and I have not liked all of them I have heard, but I am happy that it is seeing a resurgence that is separate from the metalcore bastardization movement.

I like the band King's Evil quite a bit. They are probably one of the bands at the start of this movement years ago.
What do you guys think about the new wave of thrash metal. Bands like Evile, Warbringer, Violator, Lazarus A.D, etc....

Vektor is the best one. Violator's first album was good but the new EP sucks. the rest of the wave that I've heard is pretty much just shitty bay area thrash clones like Evile, Bonded by Blood, Gama Bomb, Lich King, Warbringer, etc.
What do you guys think about the new wave of thrash metal. Bands like Evile, Warbringer, Violator, Lazarus A.D, etc....
They're garbage, for the most part, but there are obviously some exceptions. Vektor being the big one, of course. King's Evil is solid, like AchrisK mentioned.
new songs from Death Angel's upcoming album

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a little bit boring thrash with great vocalists ftw

Onder recommended Detente and I really like what I've heard. I'm 25 years late to the genre, it seems.
If you like Détente's debut, you might also like "Behind The Realms Of Madness" by Sacrilege and Znowhite's "Act Of God".

np: Sacrilege - "The Captive"
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Im really lovin the new thrash bands. My favorite band in the new wave is Evile. I think they have such cool sounding musis. Good thrash!!!!. I also really like Warbringer and Warpath \m/
Yeah I've got that Warbringer one, its pretty decent. Standard fare thrash, but solid for what it is.

New Death Angel sounds alright on the previous page, might consider getting that.

And of course anyone who's into thrash who hasn't bought Vektor's album yet needs to do so ASAP, had it on very regular rotation here.
The only irritating thing about Vektor is that the last two songs together total 20 min. Really too long for their own good. Luckily, Vektor has probably the coolest, most fucked up vocals I've heard in a while.