
Or maybe I just like it because it's closer to the core of thrash, has rowdier vocals and more compact, NWOBHM-influenced songs that don't contain melodramatic filler. He and I don't even agree on what Slayer album is the best.

I've never understood this argument. Kill 'Em All is more "raw" than Master of Puppets, yes, but I don't see how anyone could say that KEA isn't the least thrash album of their first four. Aside from Orion every song on Master of Puppets is pretty blatantly thrash (yes, the second half of Sanitarium warrants its inclusion) while KEA's "NWOBHM influence" is far closer to outright worship.

EDIT: FWIW I consider Ride the Lightning to be >>> *.
Alright, you fuckers. I need to educate myself a little further in classic thrash. I want you to list all the thrash classics I absolutely need to own that are NOT from the following bands, since I have the classics albums from all of these:

Dark Angel
Anacrusis- Suffering Hour
Aspid- Extravasation
Blind Illusion- The Sane Asylum
Coroner- First 4 albums
Death Angel- The Ultra-Violence
Demolition Hammer- Tortured Existence, Epidemic of Violence
Devastation- Idolatry
Flotsam and Jetsam- Doomsday for the Deceiver
Forbidden- Forbidden Evil, Twisted Into Form
Heathen- Victims of Deception, Breaking the Silence
Holy Terror- Terror and Submission, Mind Wars
Hypnosia- Extreme Hatred
Invocator- Excursion Demise
Mekong Delta- Mekong Delta
Metal Church- Metal Church
Necrodeath- Into the Macabre
Onslaught- The Force
Overkill- Feel the Fire
Paradox- Heresy
Poison- Into the Abyss
Powermad- Absolute Power
Protector- Golem
Realm- Endless War
Rigor Mortis- Rigor Mortis
Sacred Reich- Ignorance
Sacrifice- Forward to Termination
Sadus- Illusions
Torture Squad- Pandemonium
Toxik- Think This, World Circus
Ulysses Siren- Above the Ashes
Vio-Lence- Eternal Nightmare
Watchtower- Energetic Disassembly, Control and Resistance
Have just finally checked out Vecktor's myspace after hearing about them for ages, very impressed. Quite technical and unorthodox, going to pick up their album I think. Nice to hear something a little different rather than simply a copy of 80s thrash (although that's not always a bad thing).
Do you even know anything outside of the very surface of thrash?
I'll be the first person to admit I don't listen to a lot of underground stuff. I mean I listen to some semi underground thrash like Watchtower, Carnivore, (early) Corrosion Of Conformity, Tenet...
But I have checked out Vektor and Ares Kingdom which KD seems to praise so much and frankly I much prefer the sound of the more "popular" thrash bands.
And early Destruction!!! Sentence of Death + Infernal Overkill has been owning me these past three days, hadn't listened to it in ages and its such an awesome slice of headbanging thrash
There are some seriously questionable opinions in this thread.

Has anybody heard the new Deathhammer tracks? They're actually really good, remind me a bit of later Sabbat, super nutty vocals too.
Did you seriously just use the "nuh uh you are" comeback? :guh:

In what way is it slicker and more commercial? I want an explanation because so far you're doing exactly what you always do and make statements about something and never elaborate on why you feel that way.

Quite honestly, I don't even know what the fuck "slicker and more commercial" means. It's not like they came out with some revolutionary album layout and tried getting more people to like the album. The layout of MoP is basically the same as RTL, you know, the album that preceeds MoP, and AJFA. It starts off with a badass heavy song, goes into the title song, into a slower paced, then comes the ballad-esque song, then back into some heavier shit, then comes the instrumental, and on MoP and AJFA they both end with some badass heavy song again. So again, I ask you, where in the fucking fuck did you get the idea that MoP is "slicker and more commercial" than RTL, even though it basically follows the same pattern as RTL as far as style of songs go, but happens to have better songs it?

Stop trying to continue a gay argument that you started and only you care about. It's clearly a much more accessible album with much more accessible songs and production than the albums preceding it. Shut the fuck up with your gay Metallica hero worship. You try to act like I go around starting things on this site, but your posts leading up to this one are a prime example of behavior that I would cringe at the thought of even attempting.

I honestly don't care about this argument, which should be obvious, although you clearly do since you were dumb enough to come into this thread specifically to insult people posting about a genre of music because they didn't include and album that you have delusional fantasies about among their favorites.
It's clearly a much more accessible album with much more accessible songs and production than the albums preceding it.

It clearly had a better production, but I don't see how it's more accessible. There are more thrash songs than on the previous two albums, the songs are longer and less immediate than the uber-catchy NWOBHM-worship on the debut, and production is only more accessible because it's better. Every Metallica album was significantly more thrashy than the previous, until after AJFA.
I'm going into the studio next week to record my band's new album, Facet of Aberration. We're doing 10 songs (plus 2 bonus tracks) in 3 weeks in 2 different studios; it's going to be tough because I work from basically 5 am - 11 am monday - friday and record from 12 - 8 pm so the only time I can really sleep is the weekend but it'll be worth it. If you haven't checked out any of our stuff you should check it out; we've had both of our EP's available for free download (plus they're on a bunch of metal blog sites and torrents) or you can check out some tracks on our myspace. We're working our asses off to make sure that the album blows people away since the reviews and feedback for our previous 2 EP's have been really good; we want to make sure that the album is even better and is the best cd we can possibly release!