Thread of Anger

Rincewind said:
Oh,I'm not the only one suffering then
Of course not. Their eps and demos are impossible to find (as in they literally don't exist) in Mexico (at least in Cuernavaca and in the places i used to go to in Mexico City), and anything older than "Damage done" is very hard to find (except "Skydancer/Of chaos", for some reason which i still can't figure out).
Yeah, yeah, same here, the 2 Nevermore cds were the last I ordered from a CD shop, it took them about 3,5 months to arrive, after Id already given up hopes. Its just that most of the people working there are just useless idiots who dont like their job and cant do anything for the customer. But its so simple - the guy with the Nevermore cds was a bit upset with them not coming and all, so he just started to browse the web for some other distributors and found one with even a cheaper price and the cds came within 2 weeks. I buy stuff directly from independent distros here in Slovakia, which used to to have real crap, but within the last 3 years they have begun to sell good stuff and then its internet.