Thread of Poetry (ToP) =)


May 1, 2001
Uppsala, Sweden
Visit site
Ok, here's a thread where everyone can
post there own poetry. Let's not bother
with the game-thing (5 words, etc).

Just post your poems, ok?

One more thing:

When you post a poem, make sure 2 (I repeat, TWO)
others have posted since your last one (so noone
gets a posting frenzy and posts like 5 in a row).

I'll start by posting one of mine:

Minutes and eternities

Golden streaming steady light
embracing one and one and all
Flowing through the languid air
an overture to darkness' fall
Blissful peace and peaceful bliss
to one and all, to that and this

Golden flowing languid hair
a queen, undisturbed, on her throne
Absently humming silent notes
to which the rays themselves atone
Peaceful bliss and blissful peace
For minutes and eternities
Andit's difficult notto feel a littlebit disappointed and passed over,and i'dsell my soul myself esteem a dollar ata timeforone chanceone kiss onetaste ofyou, butI try tosee through it allsee through itall and I seeyou . For one lasttime youtry and fill me upagain,bringme downagain, watch me cry again,and nowam I expecting a little too much from you isthis too much for you,i've had my chance but you know it's true I need another chance, tell me what I've done to you .

Not what i wrote but good.
I enjoyed your poem, Lakestream...your play on words and the imagery created...Of course, that does not mean you have to enjoy mine, just because I enjoyed yours. :)

Welcome To My Darkness

Welcome to my darkness.
Please, do come inside.
Feel your way inside these cells.
My mind has opened wide...

An unsightly seething
leaves Black thoughts
that are teething.

"Into each thought,
yourself, you have brought."

Ride my wave of madness
breaking over time.
There's no need to get in line,
just simply read this rhyme...

Drowning satisfaction
greets logic
held in traction.

"This motion 'in mind,'
leaves sanity behind."

See this sight of sadness,
frozen in its frown.
On your knees with just one look,
your mouths drop to the ground...

Childhood tears are smiling
as dead loved ones
begin piling.

"Complete misery,
leaves tears falling free."

Swim into my sickness.
Wade in puking green.
Your healthy skin turns ghastly pale,
You dry yourself, unclean...

Spitting out diseases
while your
suffering pleases.

"In deep you will wallow,
just don't ever swallow."

Thank you for your visit.
I'm sure you felt the pain.
My Darkness will escort you out,
Please, do come again.

An open mind now shuts tight
as Darkness kills the
escaping light!

"Exit full of fear,
never to come near...
ever again."

Copyright 2001 by JCP
Under a weight of silence,
he sinks like a stone.
Drowning in her absence of shadow,
the grey mask of his illusions
his thoughts suffer, unknown...

Twisting in faded colour,
Spiralling in void of life...
forever in thoughts,
He only hides

insight of mind,
outcast and worthless, his reality drains.
his colour fades...
She only hides...
OK. 'tis time for some Thus Perish. Lyrics © Hannu Mutanen 2001. Part II of "A ghost in the blight of winter" (a concept album in the making.)

Note: I think this lyric portrays my affection for the fantastic writings of one Edgar Allan Poe, and especially the story "Ligeia" on which "A ghost.." is very loosely based. Credit for inspiration goes to Mikael Åkerfeldt for his work on "Still life" and that of King Diamond on "Them".

I have the whole record done if anyone is interested in reading the story samples from demo recordings will also be available soon.

"From here to limbo"


The sun had set in the distance,
making way for the shadows of fall
to linger
and as I arrived in my destination
the sight I beheld seized me aghast;

The path to the house of family Legrand
Was lit with torches, showing the way
To the tragic scene of death untimely
That had aroused the town to fear;

Ligeia's face was of ivory hue
All pale with death, bereft of life -
So bleak with the pallor of her departure
White was her soft skin, deprived of colour

They said she had died of illness,
Succumbing to death's dark pall:
The excuisite beauty of her proportions
was swathed in sadness, secluded and lost

The cold day passed beyond night's overture
And gathered moths around the dim lantern light
Shadows at side and sorrow at heart
Bitter from the loss I raised my arms


Worn and decrepit,
The atmosphere was still
With a soft murmur of shame
On the lips of the beholding crowd
Upon her death all sighed
And in tears I fell to my knees
Crumbled to the very dust -

Chaos burst within me
Eclipsing my soul;
I fled from the halls
of that wretched place
To seek my way to my former home;

Yet down I fell
Into the depths of wrath
And all was still
in my world benighted by loss...


Years had passed since our separation
And now she had died
By the cold side of Legrand, the foul
I'd have killed him for how I felt -
Irreverent and tarnished,
tattered by the filth of my being;
Let loose his blood


Within me ravaged, boiled, seethed;
A wresting plight plagueing my soul -
Thwarting my attempts at finding peace,
Her death - a queer twist of fate

My return was futile, growing tiresome
My errand not worthy of the grace of God
Aeons had passed on one pernicious day
And my life had been left to a halt

The clanging of the passing-bell
Still echoing through the night

My sight was veiled
In violent spatters of black and red
Mute fear in the air
My heart torn in twain, asunder
Capricious fate was bestowed upon me
Leaving me in hibernal suspense


And not even the wealth I gathered
During my stay in the world outside
Could grant me with her betroth,
For the stars that I recall were in her eyes
No longer shine their beguiling glow;
No longer shall the flames of love
rejoice in their beautiful depths.
Incarceration claims me,
This crime persists:
A daily murder,
A single victim.
Innocent by default,
Blackmailed to the cell,
Frame the victim,
Salt in the wound.
Trace the wrath,
Seek the false;
Cause is lost.
Subtlety is victory,
The captors lie:
Soul desires to fail.
The Merciful cry:
Death will prevail.
And die.