Throw your Fists & Swing your Legs


This Saturday(22nd) @ The Cajun House:

Shadows Fall,
Killswitch Engage,
Lamb of God, &
God Forbid.

Who's fuckin' going to this?

I'm usually not one for Hardcore Dancin', but for KSE I'm all about it.
Last time I saw them(w/ In Flames) I ended up kicking my bassist right in the back, almost dropped him to his knees.
oh yea & I think I scared Big Jesse, because I ran & jumped up on his back.

Who from this Forum went to In Flames, Soilwork, Chimaira, & Unearth @ The Cajun House.
If so, do you remember the Hardcore kids that were climbing on the bar roof & jumping about 10ft. down into the crowd?
[Police got called in]
The Cajun is gonna have some big time security for this show, since there will probably be double the amount of HxC Kids there.

Anyway, this show is gonna be Soooo fucking great.

22nd - Headbangers Ball Tour,
25th - Dimmu, Nevermore, Bodom, Hypocrisy,
30th - Symphony X, The Devin Townsend Band, & Red Tear Memory.
(that's a pretty good week right there.)
Well has Anyone seen this tour through their town yet?

It Was Fuckin' Fun.
Every band ruled.

Of course KSE was my favorite thing, & instead of Big Jesse I used my Mark to jump on & ride like a horse this time.
Plus I nearly spinkicked some kids face off.
(I had to break it down a lil' for KSE's sake).
The rest of the night I was pretty calm.

Anyway, more Tours like this one & the Dimmu one need to happen.
Just 4 all around great bands rippin' it up one right after the other.
I seen the HBB tour at worchester on halloween
great fuckin show but KSE sucked in my opinion, I was expecting them to be alot better, the last song the singer didnt even sing the song he just relied on the crowd to sing it, i thought that suched but everyone else rocked
Lamb of God was great, they brought out the Wall of Death
Shadows Fall are always great and they covered Motley Crue's Livewire which was bad ass