Throwinguping Thryfing

New Thryfing is sucky in some ways I'll agree. It sounds way to death metal in production and the vocals are way raw. Definitely not the album I wanted to hear. I'd like to see an interview as to understand what the thought process was to change the sound so much.
Can someone give a proper review?? The two songs I've heard of it didn't impress me at all, sounded very different the the "Urkraft" album, which is great.
Originally posted by spaffe
i think the new thyrfing album is awesome. i haven't heard their earlier material, in what way is the older albums different?

Well, I haven't heard the new one yet, but I can tell you the older ones are bombastic Viking metal. I don't know how else to describe them. Huge, wicked riffs, cool meandering guitar over those, big and I mean BIG drums, awesome, screeched and chanted vocals, the SHIT. Very many anthems :headbang:
Originally posted by markgugs

Well, I haven't heard the new one yet, but I can tell you the older ones are bombastic Viking metal. I don't know how else to describe them. Huge, wicked riffs, cool meandering guitar over those, big and I mean BIG drums, awesome, screeched and chanted vocals, the SHIT. Very many anthems :headbang:

hm sounds just like the new one then :)
the synths are a pretty prominent feature on the new album, and they are using some keyharp and violin i think, where those things present in the earlier albums to?
Ok, the new album isn't as bad as I thought, it's actually pretty average. I don't really hear as much synth as I do fiddle. The riffs are pretty subpar and the vocals are almost all in Swedish. The synth and fiddle is the saving point of Vansinnesvisor if you ask me. The older albums weren't as heavily produced and had more space and synth work, plus more songs.