time for some action *janne and henkka, please read also*

Stun said:
Wtf guys... why is everyone taking that "are you gay?" thing so seriously. IT WAS A VERY OBIVIOUS JOKE, he even said in the same post that it was a joke (the exact words were something like "whoops that one was meant for Welly"). Jesus ppl get a sense of humor.
Holy shit
stun is telling someone to have a sense of humour?!?! :eek:

what the fuck just happenned?!?!?!

:lol: j/k dude ;) :D
oh, and no they havent replied yet. somebody mentioned me being a mod in the "hi janne" thread, so im sure its at least on his mind.
mark just pm'ed me back and said that the only way for the board to be offical again is for the band to pay up. then i assume its their choice for a moderator(mark didnt say). but he said, until then, its up to him.
thebigyetti said:
mark just pm'ed me back and said that the only way for the board to be offical again is for the band to pay up.
hehe, well that response was no surprise really :)

I think we should let the band do their work now, I mean they obviously know whats going on and everything already.
Mammoth said:
Yep Humor rules and you my big hairy-mountaine-terraine-living-friend possess that gift, but no more bullshit threads on the on-topic board? WE HAVE ALOT OF RESPECT TO EARN BACK FROM THE BAND! Do not forget that. We have basically pissed on their "official" page and they aren't paying for it anymore, go figure

Hmm, Is this actually stated as the reason anywhere??? just curious...
Exactly, it isnt officially stated anywhere that it is spam that is the reason, its probably the prob with the webmaster.
Anyway I dont really thínk it is the problem of the band what is discussed in some of the threads.
And i believe the spam has lessened a lot the past 4-5 days (anyone who doenst agree with that needs a slap in the face)
I mean, we DO have a lot of bodom related threads, and we DO behave in those were Janne is supposed to be able to answer questions.
That was what i wanted to say *thanks the audience and goes off the stage*