Time to pay tribute to dime

Im sure Dime is partying with Randy Rhodes up there in metal heaven.
I remember the day it happened. I heard it on Mancow and at first i thought it was a sick joke becouse you know how the Mancow show is,but i got home and it was all over the internet. I couldnt believe it! Wow its been 1 year already. I just know that somewhere down the line that PanterA would get back together regardless of what Vinnie says. But now it will never happen. Goddamn!


The year is 1992. I’ve just about become bored by most Thrash, and the “new breed” of metal seems to me, a teenager, to have become as boring and irrelevant as all the old fart bands they had replaced. I sit there, watching “Raw Power” on late night ITV, and my ears prick up immediately – I see an amazing video, a song full of power and aggression, a perfect fusion of extremity and metallic fury. The song is “Mouth for War”, and the brain shredding guitars of Diamond Darrell have me sat watching with my mouth open look a guppy fish.
From that moment, I loved Pantera, and more specifically the guitar antics of the outrageously talented Dimebag. A true touchstone in modern metal, his playing left an indelible mark, not only on the playing of solos, but on everything from lightning fast to doom laden riffing. My tastes in metal may have moved on, but my admiration for one of Metals most talented sons has not.
As I sit here, still reeling from the news, I can only add my somewhat irrelevant condolences to the Abbott family and friends, and wonder why on earth a 25 year old nobody has been able to have the power to end the life of such a prodigious talent; a talent that would have no doubt continued to serve the metal world. Tonight, the world seems to me to have lost a true hero.
Dimebag, to you: farewell. Metal will not forget you. Many fans owe metal a debt; metal truly owes you.