Timo Tolkki's Retirement?

Sir Exar Kun

Apr 25, 2003
Columbus, Ohio
"I don't know how many of you are interested in reading this and quite frankly, I dont even care so much, but I am just writing down some early morning thoughts regarding SYMFONIA and other stuff going on in my life.

"As it turned out to be, it all started from a cake. I thought it might be some kind of a celestial joke and maybe it was, but when two fans handed me a SYMFONIA cake after the last gig of SYMFONIA's South American tour, after spending three nights in a 15-buck cold motel with grey concrete walls looking like a prison in Santiago de Chile and flying 28 hours to another continent to play to audiences varying from 100 to 350, I started to think that maybe this really is it. The cake was in a funny way telling me: 'Hey, Timo, don't you see: it's over.' And I started to really consider my whole musician's career. This happened in June.

"Exactly a year before, I had flown to Sweden to record three demo songs I had composed hoping to record some vocals of André [Matos; SYMFONIA vocalist; also formerly of ANGRA, SHAAMAN, VIPER]. I spent there six days and from those days, I was able to squeeze about six hours of singing from him. In between going to supermarkets, changing diapers and me trying to solve some of their domestic disputes, I started to think if it was such a good idea after all. But people liked the demos and I went full-on producing the [debut SYMFONIA album] 'In Paradisum' to which I put around 1000 working hours.

"André Matos told me very clear that this band should not do any gigs if it doesnt make any money. I basically agreed, but at the same time I knew that people would still consider it as a new band, not 'The Spartacus of Metal' where the gates of superstardom would open just like that.

"Uli Kusch [former SYMFONIA drummer] had been in and out of band due to his hand injury and in the middle of vocal recordings in Sweden, he sent me a mail telling me he would never ever play any gigs in his life because 'he was tired of piss-smelling backstage rooms, the chaos, the travelling, etc. In vain I tried to tell him that this was not what we agreed. He did tell me that if SYMFONIA would make a second album, we could use his name for 10,000 euros and use Alex Landenburg for the recordings. And after 10 minutes came a text message that he also wanted me to pay the taxes of his fee so it would total 13,000 euros for the usage of his name. I did not respond to that but I really found it hard to believe. Then Matos lost his voice in the middle of the vocal recordings for four days and while hunting for cortison shots in the middle of the deepest Swedish countryside, I really started to think that this is not gonna work.

"Well, we got the vocals done, did the interviews and released the album. I still think it's a good album.

"Also the Japanese earthquake messed the little touring plans the band had. Then André told me we could make a lucrative tour in South America booked by his manager. Apparently, there was some mysterious investor that was in the game.

"I should have known better even hearing the word 'investor.'

"I decided to do the tour and after flying 30 hours — Helsinki-Frankfurt-Rome-Sao Paulo — we landed only to hear that the tour is cancelled. At that point I was already ready to buy a ticket back to Finland but they managed to make a settlement and we did, I guess it was, six gigs. It was the worst and heaviest tour I have ever done in my career.

"Keyboard player Mikko Harkin developed high fever and lung inflammation that was bounding pneumonia.

"While lying two days in Sao Paulo in Formula 1 hotel (the cheapest you can get there) in a darkness I was starting to really get doubts about my future as a musician.

"When I got the sales figures from Edel Records [for the debut SYMFONIA album] and the report from the booking agency for the festivals of summer 2012, I decided to call it a day. It didnt make any sense to try to 'conquer' the metal world since it was obvious that there was not enough interest. Don't get me wrong, it's totally cool if there is no interest. Then I thought about my career. Around 3000 gigs, 20 years, 20 CDs, productions, clinics, travelling. I realised that I have done a lot.

"I guess most of you know that I am suffereing from bipolar disorder, one of the worst mental disorders, but with medication and non-stressful lifestyle, this illness can be controlled but never cured. Playing in a touring band is far from 'non stressful lifestyle' and in fact the rock 'n' roll life itself is manic with its highs and lows.

"In those long STRATOVARIUS tours being undiagnosed with the illlness, I could have died. I am not kidding.

"[On March 3] next year I will be 46.

"This autumn I made a decision to take some time off from music business and concentrate on something else.

"I have a wonderful wife and daughter, who also happens to be a world-class singer. I started giving guitar lessons again. I'm taking lots of photos. In other words, living quite normal life.

"I do realize the marks the years have left in me and that I should rest and heal the wounds. There is a lot to heal.

"The music business is in extremely sick state in this moment and it's not gonna get any better. In a few years we will know what kind of form it will take. Maybe I one day take some part of it, maybe I don't. I really don't know at the moment.

"So what about my future? If you are interested in that, I can only say that it is possible that I will never record anything again. For some of you this might come as a relief.

"I don't know what the future will hold for me but I want to thank all of you who have supported me in these 22 some years.

"For you who haven't supported me and continuosly are mocking me, for example at Stratoboard ([the official STRATOVARIUS message board] which makes me really sad mainly due lack of respect from a band that was my vision for 22 years and that still plays 80% of my songs although there is two guys left in the band called STRATOVARIUS), I also want to thank you because without you guys, I could never have done everything I have done.

"It's been a great career. I hope the future brings more music, but most likely it will not. But still after all I can say... I did it my way.

"Hope to see you somewhere. Take care of yourselves."

While he has certainly been a rollercoaster for the last several years, I still enjoy most of his material, and would hate to see him not recording.....
I think Tolkki read the writing on the wall. He has burned so many bridges that i do not think he had a choice but to walk away. But, at least he had FINALLY realized that his career was shot to hell. It will be sad, but for the best.
Part of me feels bad for him - the guy has truly suffered enough.

The other part of me is actually happy that he's done. Almost for his own sake. His career is victorious - he wrote some music that's still regarded as some of Power Metal's greatest songs. Symfonia was good (bias, maybe because of Andre), but Revolution Renaissance was awful. I'd rather him retiring on a positive note (Symfonia's album) than with a dud.
Can't say that I argue with him after reading what he's been through. At some point, you have to say, "I'm too old for this shit", and just move on.
hahahaha. Lesson for everyone in the industry, no matter how big you think you are there will always be the day when it comes to an end. This is a sad attempt to get his fans to say "no Timo don't do it!!" just so he can get one more ego boost. Just fucking walk away already, Mr. Tolkki. He is beyond irrelevant at this point.
To each his own...

Me - I personally always looked forward to Tolkki's output. Not everything was good or the same level as his peak days - but I still enjoyed a decent chunk of it. Revolution Renaissance was just starting to hit a stride I thought when he shut that down. The third album was actually pretty solid for what it was... Tolkki knew the power metal formula well and how to write songs that were catchy.

Yes - Tolkki made an embarrasment of himself, his career, and his legacy. I think part of the problem is he felt after Stratovarius he should have instant levels of fans and success like Stratovarious, but was frustrated when he was basically having to start at square 1 again with getting fans (such as he said in his statement when he quit RR). Coming to mind are Jon Oliva's Pain and Circle II Circle - good bands with good output who basically had to start over and still haven't reached the level of prestige of Savatage.

But to all the haters (not necessarily here) - get over it. If you don't want to listen to the new music - don't... I never understood such the hate for him to stop making music. As long as people still got something out of it, what's it to you?

I don't blame Tolkki for walking away after seeing his reputation and career lately (though the only one he can really blame is himself). But the fans and haters took it to another level (especially if you saw comments on the STRATO forums at time - it's unreal the hateful comments people make)
hahahaha. Lesson for everyone in the industry, no matter how big you think you are there will always be the day when it comes to an end. This is a sad attempt to get his fans to say "no Timo don't do it!!" just so he can get one more ego boost. Just fucking walk away already, Mr. Tolkki. He is beyond irrelevant at this point.

Srsly. Some horrible "acting-like-a-rockstar" BS from that post. Shit is unreal!
He has had a very successful career but sad to say that if you aren't willing to spend money taking ANY band off the ground (especially a power metal one) and not tour with it then it ends up like this right? I think the Firewind 'headliner' thread is a good example of this. Just because your old band or the other band you play in is or was huge, your solo project is not.

"I guess most of you know that I am suffering from bipolar disorder, one of the worst mental disorders, but with medication and non-stressful lifestyle, this illness can be controlled but never cured. Playing in a touring band is far from 'non stressful lifestyle' and in fact the rock 'n' roll life itself is manic with its highs and lows.

does not help one bit. matter of fact, Im sure that would be just a pain in the ass for anyone to deal with on the road. Its time for him to do something else. Today it seems that any band is starting from scratch, regardless of who is in it, it needs to start much lower than they think and work twice as hard to make it happen. I mean look at ratt, they sold lots of records and had a huge one hit wonder. 7 people in st pete on his solo tour got his "I do it for the party, the pussy and the paycheck" speach. That's just sad considering the male to female ratio was like 4:1, with most of the 'pussy' being venue bar tenders. hahaha

Its a labor of love and hopefully one day you can make (a little) money on it. He shouldn't be too terribly sad though, if Stratovarius was never around to pave the way, bands like mine never would be here.
But to all the haters (not necessarily here) - get over it. If you don't want to listen to the new music - don't... I never understood such the hate for him to stop making music. As long as people still got something out of it, what's it to you?

I don't blame Tolkki for walking away after seeing his reputation and career lately (though the only one he can really blame is himself). But the fans and haters took it to another level (especially if you saw comments on the STRATO forums at time - it's unreal the hateful comments people make)

I have to agree with this. Damn shame that in recent years, it became such a cluster-fuck for him, but I have to give him credit for basically creating the modern power metal as pretty much know and love.

I actually quite enjoyed the last RR album (when that band was actually starting to get good, only for him to kill it off), and I also quite enjoyed the Symfonia album as well. I guess this means no more Symfonia (damn!).

I got to personally meet Timo Tolkki the couple of times that I saw Stratovarius play here in this area, and he came off really cool.

Instead of bashing on the guy, I am going to take the high road and wish him luck in whatever he decides to do in the future. Perhaps, after taking some time off for a couple of years to get his personal health in better order and seeing what the picture is like, he may decide to pick up guitar again and make an album.
This actually reminds me of something I was wondering about around 1998. If the current generation of power metal bands didn't become big, would they keep on going into their 40s, or hang it up? It's one thing to tour clubs for audiences of 300 and live on Ramen noodles when you're in your 20s, but at 46? It's gotta be hell, even if he didn't have bipolar disorder.

A band can tour in their old age if they get comfy hotels and plush tour buses and make tons of money, but I can't imagine many bands with members in their 40s or greater are going to want to tour the same little clubs they did in their 20s. It's just gotta feel like you're spinning your wheels.

At least some bands emerged from the power metal genre to do well enough to not have to rough it so bad and can live off their music. Not many, unfortunately. I was really pulling for all these guys to make millions and be on the cover of Tiger Beat.:)
Part of me feels bad for him - the guy has truly suffered enough.

The other part of me is actually happy that he's done. Almost for his own sake. His career is victorious - he wrote some music that's still regarded as some of Power Metal's greatest songs. Symfonia was good (bias, maybe because of Andre), but Revolution Renaissance was awful. I'd rather him retiring on a positive note (Symfonia's album) than with a dud.

This. Well said.
I didn't care much for Tolkki's stuff since a while and I can understand most of his points, but what bugs me in this statement is the story about Uli Kusch...This guy is ready to rent his name to appear on an album he didn't play on at all for cash? I know that 10,000 or 13,000 euros is fine money, but from now, whenever I'll see a band with Uli Kusch in the line-up, I won't believe it's his drumming that I'll hear...
I didn't care much for Tolkki's stuff since a while and I can understand most of his points, but what bugs me in this statement is the story about Uli Kusch...This guy is ready to rent his name to appear on an album he didn't play on at all for cash? I know that 10,000 or 13,000 euros is fine money, but from now, whenever I'll see a band with Uli Kusch in the line-up, I won't believe it's his drumming that I'll hear...

I think renting someone's "name" for that much money is some rockstar bullshit for sure (although as other people have noted in this thread, not everything this dude says is entirely to be believed to begin with). But let's be real man, whenever you hear drums on an album these days it's never the original drums anyways - someone's going to quantize and edit the kit in pro tools, throw samples over it, etc.
I feel bad for him. Bi polar is very difficult to deal with for those who have it and those around it. Then add age to the equation with all the frustrations he mentioned.. he sounds like a very sad and broken man. Agree with a lot if these responses. God bless him. Sucks there will or may not be any more Symfonia. Glad Andres been resting some he sounded tired and strained on the CD. Didn't know he lost his voice and it was as bad as he stated.
I would have thought the metal genre would be immune from the Milli Vanilli crap. It also makes me think that if Tolkki was willing to use Kusch's name despite him not playing on the Symfonia album, then he'd also be willing to use his own name on the last RR album and not play on it as has been alleged.
He says this as if it's a BAD thing...

Ok, I am being a little (but JUSt a little there) facetious, but like others have mentioned before, he's been half-assing it for sometime, and the other times, he's been madassing it. So sometimes, it's just better to go out while you still can, what little dignity and musical integrity is intact (of course that's up for debate and measurement by the Official Musical Integrity Meter).

I'm thinking a LONG break (hiatus) might be a good thing. Then come back, perhaps, when the passion and creative spark is there? Then again, that's just my surmising of the situation I know nothing more about than what Timo's recent musical output alludes too...