IM Row-D
alanbirdsell said:Woo Hoo! Finally, ya'll are coming back to Spokane! Interesting to see you are playing the Boulavard. I was just taken over about 6 months ago by some college kids. It was a restaurant that was a real dive, so as a bar it's not bad. It's a bit dark. The front stage is pretty big. Linda will have a low ceiling though. We went to this place last weekend because it was across the street from the convention center where the motorcycle show was. I can tell you their BBQ is to die for! The one sad drawback, though... It is the same night as Motorhead just up the street at the Big EasyAs much as I wanted to check Motorhead out the decision is a no brainer. I have Monday and Tuesday off so I can help you out anyway you want!
Hey Alan, long time no lookie! Thanks for the B-Day greets! You know I can understand the Motorhead jones. On the last trip to SLC I blasted 'Head from St. George to just south of SLC (I know I'm sick that way). One of the best concerts ever was Girlschool, Motorhead and Maiden at the U in Seattle (I think it was at UW). Got drunk, stoned and in a fight with my girlfriend, threw a bottle at some *@@hole coming out of a bar and slept on a bench all night at the ferry terminal after missing the last boat.
I have GOT to find a way up to Spokane even if it is just to confiscate any of those college photos you may have and to straighten out your "wife" on the leash laws in this country. I DEMAND that the next time I am within a 5 hour drive you need to get your ass on the road! I haven't seen you since that Savatage/Trouble gig back in the late '80's down here with Marty.
Any who miss ya man,