TIM's Pacific NW tour dates!

alanbirdsell said:
Woo Hoo! Finally, ya'll are coming back to Spokane! Interesting to see you are playing the Boulavard. I was just taken over about 6 months ago by some college kids. It was a restaurant that was a real dive, so as a bar it's not bad. It's a bit dark. The front stage is pretty big. Linda will have a low ceiling though. We went to this place last weekend because it was across the street from the convention center where the motorcycle show was. I can tell you their BBQ is to die for! The one sad drawback, though... It is the same night as Motorhead just up the street at the Big Easy :waah: As much as I wanted to check Motorhead out the decision is a no brainer. I have Monday and Tuesday off so I can help you out anyway you want!

Hey Alan, long time no lookie! Thanks for the B-Day greets! You know I can understand the Motorhead jones. On the last trip to SLC I blasted 'Head from St. George to just south of SLC (I know I'm sick that way). One of the best concerts ever was Girlschool, Motorhead and Maiden at the U in Seattle (I think it was at UW). Got drunk, stoned and in a fight with my girlfriend, threw a bottle at some *@@hole coming out of a bar and slept on a bench all night at the ferry terminal after missing the last boat.

I have GOT to find a way up to Spokane even if it is just to confiscate any of those college photos you may have and to straighten out your "wife" on the leash laws in this country. I DEMAND that the next time I am within a 5 hour drive you need to get your ass on the road! I haven't seen you since that Savatage/Trouble gig back in the late '80's down here with Marty.

Any who miss ya man,

And just think, if there was a Bandit gig back then we'd have probably ended up there instead and I would have met Ms. Marsh 17 years ago. We did the math and you were roadieing with them then. That would have been a trip. And if you would lower your fee to the girls they would bring you along ;)
Well I want you girls to know I just plastered Pioneer Square with the flyers (By they way they look better then the other ones out there…), I used glue, next time I will use tape, I’m afraid the rain here will make ‘em fall off, but I wanted to earn my free show anyway, yea a tomorrow I will do some more, and the use the rest up by end of next week down in the square where your kind of audience likes to hang out. Anyway, I hope it helps get your band some new fans.
I'm confused here cuz on Motorhead's site their tour schedule says they play the Big Easy in Spokane the night after we are there. And it also says that on The Big Easy's website calendar too. But then the promoter at the Boulevard seemed to think it was the same night as our show. :confused:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
I'm confused here cuz on Motorhead's site their tour schedule says they play the Big Easy in Spokane the night after we are there. And it also says that on The Big Easy's website calendar too. But then the promoter at the Boulevard seemed to think it was the same night as our show. :confused:
So does this mean if I fly up to Spokane I can crash on Alan's couch, actually watch a TIM show AND catch Motorhead at a cool new venue? Sh*t howdy I have got to check my finances. :rock:

I just found out a couple of hours ago that the promotor for the Long Beach Grand Pre has cancelled our stage so I have nothing to do the weekend the tour starts. So anybody? I NEED a Gig! :hotjump:

BTW I noticed that someone has added to my usual graffiti at the Galaxy. Just add this to the end of my Roadies law...

"If it makes stupid jokes grab it's laminate and put him on a Greyhound bus for home..." I love having conversations on the bathroom wall :loco:
It would appear the Motorhead show has been moved to Tue. I guess they didn't want to compete with the Maidens. Too bad you can suck up and open that show he he. So, I get to have my cake and eat it too. Tickets are only $25. It looks like they are taking the 11th off, they should come open for you at the Blvd.... So... Chris if ya wanna come up I've got a couch you can stay on, I might even bring it in to the house :D
metalord said:
So does this mean if I fly up to Spokane I can crash on Alan's couch, actually watch a TIM show AND catch Motorhead at a cool new venue?

yeah right, you WATCH our show w/out wanting to tweak the stage! i believe that's how you started working w/us in the first place huh! a thankful hijacking, is that possible?
alanbirdsell said:
Now that Motorhead has relenquished the Big Easy on the 11th too bad you can't move over there. I guess the place was packed for No Quarter the other night.

I hear ya! That was the club we were originally slated for but the Motormen were coming to town. But the Boulevard was nice enough to take us on anyhow, even tho Motorhead was gonna be there too. :rock: Now, they have us and NO Motorhead! They would be really upset w/us if we jumped ship, and they have been very supportive thusfar. We'd never abandon them. ;) But I'd personally LOVE to play the Big Easy someday!!! Looks like a killer club!
Well, there we were... at the restaurant across the street from the Arena having a few drinks with several hundred people waiting to see Motley Crue and this dude comes by with a huge stack of flyers for The Iron Maidens Northwest tour, and he's telling everyone to go to the SPokane show. And while we were at the venue waiting to get in there were a few people who wondered out loud if the band was good, cuz they might want to go. I couldn't help myself and gave my totally unbiased opinion... I think they will be coming :D
That is killerrrrrr!!!! I wonder which street teamer that was!!! That is excellent! See, we could never do this without the help of fellow Maiden fans!!! We all stick together and help spread this wonderful music! :rock: :worship: :rock: I love it!!!! Alan, thank you for putting your 2 cents in! You rule! ;) Cannot wait to meet the pups!!!! Hey, why isn't there a "cent" key on the keyboard anyway?
Doodoobubbachuck said:
That is killerrrrrr!!!! I wonder which street teamer that was!!! That is excellent! See, we could never do this without the help of fellow Maiden fans!!! We all stick together and help spread this wonderful music! :rock: :worship: :rock: I love it!!!! Alan, thank you for putting your 2 cents in! You rule! ;) Cannot wait to meet the pups!!!! Hey, why isn't there a "cent" key on the keyboard anyway?

I can find out easy enough. I guess he was at both Spokane shows and Rockin' the RIvers. He also knew someone in our party. I have no problem talkin' you up :) If I do it any more I'll be arrested for pimpin' :loco:

Puppies are here waiting, especially Bridgette, your God-dog-ter.

No "cent" key due to inflation :D
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Hey, why isn't there a "cent" key on the keyboard anyway?

You asked:

It was the dollar sign's little brother, and lived on comic books covers and in newspaper advertisements and on pay phones and wherever anything was being sold for less than a buck. It was a popular punctuation symbol—no question mark, or dollar sign, certainly, but just behind the * in popularity, and I daresay well ahead of #, &, and the now Internet-hot @. It owned an unshifted spot on the typewriter keyboard, just to the right of the semicolon, and was part of every third grader's working knowledge.

In the late 1990s, you don't see many cent signs. Why? Because hardly anything costs less than a dollar anymore? Actually, the demise of the cent sign has little to do with inflation, and everything to do with computers. And therein lies a tale.

In the 1960s a disparate group of American computer manufacturers (basically, everyone but IBM) got together and agreed on an encoding standard that became known as ASCII ("ass-key"—The American Standard Code for Information Interchange). This standard simply assigned a number to each of the various symbols used in written communication (e.g., A-Z, a-z, 0-9, period, comma). A standard made it possible for a Fortran program written for a Univac machine to make sense to a programmer (and a Fortran compiler) on a Control Data computer. And for a Teletype terminal to work with a Digital computer, and so on.

So-called text files, still in widespread use today, consist of sequences of these numbers (or codes) to represent letters, spaces, and end-of-lines. Text editors, for example, the Windows Notepad application, display ASCII codes as lines of text on your screen so that you can read and edit them. Similarly, an ASCII keyboard spits out the value 65 when you type a capital 'A,' 65 being the ASCII code for 'A.'

The committee decided on a seven bit code; this allowed for twice as many characters as existing six bit standards, and permitted a parity bit on eight bit tape. So there were 128 slots to dole out, and given the various non-typographic computing agendas to attend to, it was inevitable that some common symbols, including several that had always been on typewriter keyboards, wouldn't make the cut. (The typewriter layout had certain obvious failings in computer applications, for example: overloading the digit 1 and lower case L, so it couldn't be blindly adopted.)

Three handy fractions were cut: ¼ ½ ¾. This makes sense, especially when you consider that the ASCII committee was composed of engineers. I'm sure they thought, in their engineer's way, "Why have ¼ but not 1/3? And if we have 1/3, then why not 1/5? Or 3/32?" Similarly, the committee apparently found $0.19 an acceptable, if somewhat obtuse, way of expressing the price of a Bic pen. At any rate, the popular and useful cent sign didn't make it.

And so the cent sign was off keyboards, terminals, and printers. Not that many people noticed right away. The companies behind ASCII sold big, expensive computers that were used to run businesses, and few cared that there wasn't a cent sign character on one's new line printer. Heck, if your printer could handle lower-case letters, you were state of the art.

But when personal computers began to appear in the late 1970s, the primary application driving their adoption was word processing. These new small computers used the ASCII standard—after all, that's what standards are for. By the millions, typewriter keyboards (with ¢) were traded in for Apple IIs and IBM PCs (without ¢). While it's true that the cent sign was ultimately made part of other larger encoding standards, and is possible to create at modern PCs with a little effort—the damage had been done. Without a cent key in front of them, writers of books, newspapers, magazines, and advertisements made do without. And over time, $0.19 began to look like the right way to say 19¢. In another few years the cent sign will look as alien as those strange S's our forefathers were using when they wrote the constitution.

Hope this answers your question.
Do they server beer at the places that your band plays at? I betting that I can get some beers at JA Michaels, since it is after all a restaurant and lounge. Gotta have it! :kickass:
Hey guess what dolls; the Iron Maidens received a huge write up todays in the Bremerton Sun Kitsap Journal entertainment section. Yea it covered two full pages with photos and history and promoted your up and coming show. May be in other papers up here too, but someone gave me the article today. I’m thinking your Port Orchard show will be packed.

Do you want me to save you a copy for your keeping? I don't know maybe it's a standard thing, but it didn't look like an add more like a story.
RoboCaster said:
Hey guess what dolls; the Iron Maidens received a huge write up todays in the Bremerton Sun Kitsap Journal entertainment section. Yea it covered two full pages with photos and history and promoted your up and coming show. May be in other papers up here too, but someone gave me the article today. I’m thinking your Port Orchard show will be packed.

Do you want me to save you a copy for your keeping? I don't know maybe it's a standard thing, but it didn't look like an add more like a story.

Oooh Oooh! Copies for us girls pleeeeeeeeease!!!! :loco: :hotjump: :loco:

Thanks for the headzup!