Tips to restore an old Washburn


May 9, 2009
hi guys,

so i bought a couple of days ago a Schecter Blackjack ATX (and jizzed my pants in the process) and before that i had lying around an old modded Washburn Falcon which was an impulse buy from around six months ago. i was going to sell it for what i paid for it (300€) but it got me thinking, what if i restored it to its original glory, stuck some white JBs in it and used it for clean stuff, and if nothing else i could at least ask much more for it if i ended up selling. because honestly, i like how it looks and by its specs it's a pretty nice guitar. it's an alder set-neck for a very bright tone with long-ass sustain.

mostly it's got some damage to the varnish that have been fixed with glue. some moron's dropped it and fixed a couple of cracks with fuckloads of glue, which looks like shit and the jack can't be removed with all the glue on it. is there a way to remove the glue without ruining the guitar?

i'd also want to switch back the original electronics, which i have lying around so it would just be a matter of sticking 'em in. and some new pickups of course (recommendations welcome)

would this even be worth going through? any idea what this would cost to restore at a pro?

some pics:




whoa sorry man, didn't realize they'd show up so big! resized.

thanks for the tips. i probably wouldn't do anything too radical like sand the whole thing down myself though, but making someone else do it is an option. :lol:

any ideas for pickups, for a guitar like that?