Tips To Sing Like Alexi

BloodyScalpel said:

thats the pic, me to the rescue again.
AYDY has what about a Vietnamese Midget with huge boobs and no leggs...??
Well.. i smoke alot and i drink Jack Daniels all the time (love that shit)
i got alot more distortion on my voice now then i had before, and you can hear it when i'm talking.. so i woudn't start smoking just because of growling.. But hey i was 14 and stupid when i started.

I usually use the piano and sing the keys as a warm up for 5-10 min, also having a bottle of Jack ready to get all the fucking goo i got in my throuth out. (Lemon juice also works, but that's for chickenshits.)

It's also important to sing from your gut, or you'll fuck up your voice. Take singing lessons sure they won't learn you how to growl, but having control of your voice is important.

I'm usually singing mostly Norther stuff these days, i started on some easy stuff like dimmu.

and remember to take a break if it starts to hurt.

Hope this helps some :p
Regretful said:
Well.. i smoke alot and i drink Jack Daniels all the time (love that shit)
i got alot more distortion on my voice now then i had before, and you can hear it when i'm talking.. so i woudn't start smoking just because of growling.. But hey i was 14 and stupid when i started.

and now you're 15 and stupid.
if you want to imitate someone who doesn't sing cleanly, there should only be 1 option. start trying to pull off chuck schuldiner, and then do something different with it so you don't sound like a clone.
and its really impossible to sound like someone else with out some crazy futuristic surgery, so im going to get surgery to look like AL3Xi OMG 1011010101010100210000