tips/tricks for improving our drum tracks?

Jun 2, 2005
Right.. have not read anything about this one on this forum yet...

Anyone have any cool tips for drums to add punch to them? get them more alive? making the kick and snare hits feel like punches on your chest?

Post them in this one!! so we can all just benefit from it, and learn shit..

I myself really am happy with DFHS.. but i just can't seem to get things right on it.. blastbeats are simply really hard to pull of right... the snare hits are pretty weak in my opinion.. even with much compression, EQ'ing, sampling, etc.. i just can't get that damn thing to sound like most modern metal records sounds like. really a weak spot there..

Also, has everyone tried the samples Andy put up? man, those kick samples are really good! get those if you don't have em yet...

Another trick i can't seem to get my head is copying your drum track to a different track and add compression to that to fatten up the sounds.. hear about it, but have no clue what kind of compressor should do trick.. let alone settings...

Another one.. is adding a extra bus and put compression on that one, so you can link them to your snare, kick, toms.. whatever.. i tried that as well, but just got a weird distorted sound on the things i compressed through that compressed bus track?...

Really, there is so much to learn.. and i know a lot of us would like to exchange tricks and tips.. i will look into it and see if i can find anything to share after i tried it and if it's succesfull...

In the mean time.. have a look at this one:

Pretty interesting for those who use DFHS or another software drum sample program! shows a lot of tricks for death metal
Ahhh, good ol' Derrek Rodday, that mofo is tight.

As with doing blast beats in DFHS, I don't have a problem with the snare lacking attacking. I use one of the Ludwig snares (forget which one off the top of my head), or I use the 50/50 sample from Drumagog.
well...... i must say that a good knowledge on your attack/release functions of the compressor realy helped me!! especially kick and snare...:loco:

and i don't know if you like the meshuggah/tesseract sound black neon bob, BUT:

if you want a sound similar to the Mouth licking what you've bled demo on the toontrack site check this out:

hope this helps man!! and btw could you post something similar like thorendal did on your own drum/guitar sound? like EQ compressor settings?:rock: would be awesome.. becasue you don't have to be ashamed of the sound your having right know one bit!! hahah..
Seizure. said:
well...... i must say that a good knowledge on your attack/release functions of the compressor realy helped me!! especially kick and snare...:loco:

and i don't know if you like the meshuggah/tesseract sound black neon bob, BUT:

if you want a sound similar to the Mouth licking what you've bled demo on the toontrack site check this out:

hope this helps man!! and btw could you post something similar like thorendal did on your own drum/guitar sound? like EQ compressor settings?:rock: would be awesome.. becasue you don't have to be ashamed of the sound your having right know one bit!! hahah..

Good link, thanks
Seizure.. bedankt man..!

I actually have those files Seizure.. i tried them on DFHS, but i can't get it to sound thick like Thorendal at all.. i really don't see how he obtains such a huge snare and kick sound with those files only.. maybe i am wrong, and i should fiddle around with it some more... but i have yet to hear someone to get it to sound like the demos...

anyway, thanks man, once i get a new song up, remind me to put up the settings i used as well.. i will probably forget over time, so remind ok? :tickled:

no thanks man,
hehe.. i just saw that those settings were on your DFH superior disc in another thread, DOH!!

i talked to Acle from tesseract, and after he modded them somewhat (the settings) he said he got a much snappier sound all in all allthough he didn't use the kick settings. (and he uses a BBE as a send effect on kick aswell.. and guitars... and bass... hehe).

so i bet maybe if you used them as a guideline (insight to thorendals work..) it could work out..

i just tried them too btw... (on DFH 2) and i too couldn't realy find the sound i was looking for.. yet my snare cuts through much better now:p but thats the only thing!! so its just back too the tweaking...:loco:

its a good combination between compression and EQ thats doing it for me right know... and the balance between an sturdy kick and punchy bass is kicking my ass at the moment!! damn!!!