Tips when mixing this clean vocals


May 19, 2012
I made a very rough demo on clean vocals on the chorus of one my songs. I'm not a very good singer so don't bash me 2 hard plz. I've also recorded this with a SM57 which is maybe not the most ideal vocal mic but i'm going to buy a solid condensor mic asap.

Would really appreciate help with how to EQ, compress vocals and maybe some tips on harmonizing some of the parts to make it less flat.
A '57 will do the job just fine. What kind of processing are you running on the vocals? They sound pretty good to me so far, if anything they're a bit 'nasally' sounding which is a bit inherent to the '57. Also, is that a pod farm tone?
Thanks, wouldn't expect any compliments really :). The nasally sounding may be because I'm using melodyne quite heavily which I'm not very skilled with yet. Yep, it's Pod Farm. My signal line basically consists of: noise gate - ts-808 - noise gate - treadplate amp - treadplate cab with condenser mic - compressor, think that's it. Other things i use in my guitar signal is EQ with a lot of surgical cuts and some boost (around 400 Hz and 1k Hz i think and LP pretty low, around 11k Hz) and finally D82 Maximizer to give it some clarity.
I think it sounds pretty good man and i really think the '57 can do the job, as we meet again -
this band recorded the vocals on this song with a SM57
and in my opinion its a awesome mic for anything with that low price. i also have that mic but haven't really got to that sound yet, pratice - pratice :) (Y)
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Nice, i probably going to buy a pop filter and a mic stand tomorrow because it's really sensitive if you sing to loud too close with it. I did some research on it and it seems to be a lot of well known vocalists that use it, Bono in U2 for an example. So it can't be that bad i guess, just need some EQ to get it right.