Tis The Season...

Ars Magna

Ars Magna Recordings
Feb 25, 2007
United States
My bank just called...some fuck charged $250 six times at a Walmart in MD in addition to a few smaller charges totalling nearly $1600. Needless to say, Ass Magnet is unhappy at the moment.

On the brightside, it all took place today and my bank was goodly enough to catch it and freeze the account. Regardless, and I repeat, Ass Magnet is unhappy at the moment. :mad:
My (former) bank royally fucked off on a fraudulent charge, and have been trying to get ME to pay it back for about 6 months. Needless to say, I have gone through all the hoops and loops of the police and what not, and despite this, they're still trying to get the money out of me. Every night they call and threaten lawsuit, and I tell em to suck a cock, except in not-so nice terms.

Consider yourself lucky to have a bank that isn't full of idiots.
No...that's the thing. I have everything. I am now the 6th person I know of that has had this happen in the past 2 months. Two of us work together but, aside from that, there is no other connection and ALL of the charges were made without cards being stolen. They somehow obtained the # and went apeshit...with a few of them being in store transactions without a fucking card!! How does that happen?!?!
My (former) bank royally fucked off on a fraudulent charge, and have been trying to get ME to pay it back for about 6 months. Needless to say, I have gone through all the hoops and loops of the police and what not, and despite this, they're still trying to get the money out of me. Every night they call and threaten lawsuit, and I tell em to suck a cock, except in not-so nice terms.

Consider yourself lucky to have a bank that isn't full of idiots.

The co-worker that I mentioned is going through the same thing. They are fucking her hard. The really crazy thing is that they moved $ to another account of hers without authorization so she didn't have the $ to cover the fraudulent charges, so they are also trying to get overdraft fees. Unreal.
that sucks dude ...
i noticed that stores don't even check for ID's anymore with CC transactions ... but how can you buy somehting without a physical CC is beyond me.
Unless the store clerk ringing it up was in on the scam.
I thought this thread was going to be about Tramp-o-clause.

Good thing the bank reacted quickly!
That was my thought, as well. Unfuckingreal. Think about it...unless these fucks know they will get shutdown quickly, why would you make six $250 orders from one spot in a day?! You're basically asking to get nailed. Idiots.

could be some temp worker for the holidays ...
I used to work in retail for years and seen a lot of scams ... some of them ingenious.

Once at one of of the stores for the chain i worked at they fired about 80% of the staff in one day as they were all in on an extensive scam the was going on for months.
I remember some bint I used to work with at K-fuck was arrested for extortion, stealing cash, credit card numbers, etc. from her register apparently.

We both went to the same high school. I was in my senior year, her in her sophomore. WTF.
could be some temp worker for the holidays ...
I used to work in retail for years and seen a lot of scams ... some of them ingenious.

Once at one of of the stores for the chain i worked at they fired about 80% of the staff in one day as they were all in on an extensive scam the was going on for months.

This happened at a Sears in my hometown when I was in highschool. There were about five people working together on it, basically a system of double charge and charge back, returning "cash" to the person they double charged, but of course they pocketed said cash. It was a bunch of well-to-do popular kids too. Laughed quite a bit when they got fucking nailed for it.
Yep, that sort of thing happens fairly often. A lady I worked with at Toys R Us was finally fired after they were able to prove she had been ringing up gift cards for herself for quite some time. Only in small amounts at a time, but after a while that added up. I guess she just completed the transaction like it was paid for with cash, and when the register came up short, well, just an honest cashier mistake :Smug:
When I worked in the rental car field, one of the assistant managers worked some vile scams by taking cash from customers and then voiding the rental agreement. He'd basically imbed the rental into in transit, take the cash, restatus the vehicle as having been out of service, and then walk away with 1500 bucks. It was scary how long he got away with it.
one of the scams that happened at the aforementioned store went as follows

- stock guys keep empty large box for a particular model TV that was just put on display. (preferably 32" or bigger ... this is the tube days, with big boxes)
- they take "orders" from friends out of work for small electronics ... anything from camcorders, cameras, laptops, etc. (of course to sell to them at cheap prices)
- dump said items into the large tv box over some days ... destroying the packaging of the small items and taking them out with nightly trash
- when large tv box is full of small goodies ... an outside "friend" comes in and asks a salesman (who was not in on it) to sell him said TV. all this was coordinated, so the stock guy was aware to who to send up the "TV" box to ... not just to some random buyer.
- "buyer" pays, stock guy sends up "TV" perfectly factory sealed as not to trip up the security guy that stamps receipts on the way out. heck, stockk guy even took the TV to the "buyers" car.

genius is you ask me ... of course inventory discrepancies started happening, but nobody could figure out what was happening for months ... they had to plant some new people on the team to figure all this shit out.
one of the scams that happened at the aforementioned store went as follows

- stock guys keep empty large box for a particular model TV that was just put on display. (preferably 32" or bigger ... this is the tube days, with big boxes)
- they take "orders" from friends out of work for small electronics ... anything from camcorders, cameras, laptops, etc. (of course to sell to them at cheap prices)
- dump said items into the large tv box over some days ... destroying the packaging of the small items and taking them out with nightly trash
- when large tv box is full of small goodies ... an outside "friend" comes in and asks a salesman (who was not in on it) to sell him said TV. all this was coordinated, so the stock guy was aware to who to send up the "TV" box to ... not just to some random buyer.
- "buyer" pays, stock guy sends up "TV" perfectly factory sealed as not to trip up the security guy that stamps receipts on the way out. heck, stockk guy even took the TV to the "buyers" car.

genius is you ask me ... of course inventory discrepancies started happening, but nobody could figure out what was happening for months ... they had to plant some new people on the team to figure all this shit out.

I know a guy who worked for walmart a couple years back who would dump small electronics into trash bags as he went around picking up trash, put it into the dumpster every night, and after store closing hours (this walmart used to actually close) would come back and grab the bags he dumped and take off. He never got caught, but when they started to suspect something was going on, after about 3 months, he put in his 2 weeks.
I know a guy who worked for walmart a couple years back who would dump small electronics into trash bags as he went around picking up trash, put it into the dumpster every night, and after store closing hours (this walmart used to actually close) would come back and grab the bags he dumped and take off. He never got caught, but when they started to suspect something was going on, after about 3 months, he put in his 2 weeks.

yeah, this was common also. Pilferage is really how most money is lost by businesses.