To all of the girls here

van damme is from brussels, which almost automatically makes him french... moreover, when you thank me for him, you are in fact insulting my superior being, because i am not and will never be anything like a petit frenchie
:( (and I went to Brussels last week, weren't you celebrating something like a national day ? That was kinda boring.)

Besides, I paid no attention to anything since post #119.
because the sexual tension

FAIL. lol

the man of my desire and i (old picture) :)

haha it was just sitting weird i guess:lol: whats awesome though is his hair is dark brown, but his beard naturally grows in red and blonde:D its probably looks that way because of the color differences too.
┼Victim of the Night┼;8480384 said:
unoit :Smokin:

Mick! :wave:

And thank you. :)

Of yeeeees she is, and she still is my kitty-friend!! :mad: :) ...she rawks. :kickass:

Hey Eli, gonna respond asap on the pm, can't now as im going out(was out yesterday too, long story, tell ya later), stay healthy and good. Talk soon