To Andy : do you like Daniel Bergstrand's work ?


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Hey Andy,

what do you think of Danne Bergstrand's work (Soilwork, Meshuggah, In Flames, Darkane, Dark Funeral…) ? If you like it, what do you enjoy in particular ?
Did you ever have the opportunity to meet him ?
I love the may the albums during his career do not sound the same from one to another. I love the "original touch" he puts on some recordings. To me, he actually does a lot to innovate the metal sound.

You and Danne are my favorite metal producers/engineers... :hotjump:
Producers usually don't (publicly) comment about each other because they know their job too well and how sometimes you get crappy material or musicians to mix, so you could say someone did a bad mix when actually he was a fucking genius and saved the day. Also, just like Andy, I'm sure most of the pros out there put their heart and soul in what they do, a lot of effort, work and personal involvement, and it's not very enjoyable when people come up and say "You did that wrong, I would have done it this way, etc".
That being said, I totally understand that your question was positive and more aimed at what Andy liked in Daniel's productions, and not what he doesn't like, but I just get the general idea that producers don't comment each others work in any way (unless they screwed the last Opeth album, haha). Look, even when Andy remixed "Enemies of Reality", I don't remember him criticizing Kelly's work... They are just all doing their things, in a different way... Anyway, what was I saying ? :D
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Daniel's productions, and not what he doesn't like, but I just get the general idea that producers don't comment each others work in any way (unless they screwed the last Opeth album, haha). Look, even when Andy remixed "Enemies of Reality", I don't remember him criticizing Kelly's work... They are just all doing their things, in a different way... Anyway, what was I saying ? :D

Oh, Jesus, there you go again. The funny thing is--and maybe some of you can back me up here--I totally lost track of what you were saying too because I was staring at your new avatar!!! Dammit Brett, I like your taste!!

:lol: :lol:
Genius Gone Insane said:
...I totally lost track of what you were saying too because I was staring at your new avatar!!!
:lol: :lol:
I'm a little disturbed by the fact that Brett feels he is best represented by pictures of hot chicks.
Brett:We know you are a bald french dude....stop trying to trick us into paying attention to you. :D
Well I'm not a producer so I can freely say what the heck I like about producers. And I've been liking Berstrands stuff lately. Mostly "Stabbing the Drama" because the whole CD sounds good, and Reroute to Remain, because the guitar sound is so fat. Seems like he kind of has the same snare sound on every CD he does though. Maybe that's just me.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Look, even when Andy remixed "Enemies of Reality", I don't remember him criticizing Kelly's work...

That's right, but I remember him mentioning the will of suing Kelly Gray. :)

Seriously, I thinik that Andy's posture is very wise. He's in a position on wich many people would just throw shit at everybody, saying "I'm the man, I have dozens of classical albums under my belt and nobody is worthy of me!"

But, au contraire, he's very supportful to newbies and respectful to other people's work. I see the attitude of people like Andy, Neil Kernon and Flemming Rasmussen very inspiring and should be a lesson to lots of people.

Ok, gay moment's over. :kickass:
Bergstrand recorded Behemoth's latest which sounds quite different from his normal deal. Pretty crushing, too. To me, just the fact that he did Destroy, Erase, Improve is enough to put him on a pedestal. That will always be an amazing record in all aspects. I love Reroute To Remain and STYE (save your jeers), but there's some kinda nasty distortion or something on top of the mixes. Don't know if this was his doing or from mastering, but I don't like it. I love the drum sounds and the deep bass that he gets though. Check out his work with El Caco, too. Good stuff.
Genius Gone Insane said:
Oh, Jesus, there you go again. The funny thing is--and maybe some of you can back me up here--I totally lost track of what you were saying too because I was staring at your new avatar!!! Dammit Brett, I like your taste!!

:lol: :lol:

i like your taste baby. . . ;)

is that ur real pic or did u rip that from victoria secrets website?