to Lars Nedland (not Borknagar related)


New Metal Member
Sep 9, 2003
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how is it going? I am a fan of Solefald since the first record. I love the singing voice most of all. I've read recently that Solefald does not tour, or has not toured for the "In Harmonia..." record. This saddens me. I know this is probably the hundredth time someone has asked you this, but is there a specific reason that you guys chose not to tour? I recall hearing that Cornelius is living in another country, maybe France or Belgium. that would explain why, hehe. oh well, the new record is cool. my favorite songs are Dionysify This Rite of Spring and Buy My Sperm. in fact I know every song you have on guitar. took me a few years to learn Omnipolis, 'twas the hardest one. if you ever need a guitar player for a tour in the future, I've played for 12 years, and have done session stints with some well known bands from America. I always ask that of bands i like, hehe. I might have gotten to play with Satyricon on their new tour, but obviously the distance was a factor. damn the Atlantic ocean! anywho, keep rocking!
Hi. A lot of people seem to be curious why Solefald don't tour, and I have answered this on numerous occations before, but what the heck - I'll do it one more time: Solefald does not tour because we are a two man band, and would probably need to be at least six or seven people to make the music work on stage. Besides we reside in different countries - while I live in Oslo, Norway, Cornelius' home is Paris, France. To add another sprinkle of problems to this mix, I work full time and have other bands like Borknagar and Ásmegin (+ a new project I'm entering the studio to record an album with in december - look out for an early 2004 release :rock: ) to take care of, while Cornelius is a full time student at the Sorbonne University and has his sideproject "Sturmgeist" to work with. There simply would not be enough time to put together a full band, rehearse a full set and then hit the road with Solefald. I know a lot of our fans would love to see us on stage, but I will have to disappoint you - at least for now, 'cause who knows what the future will bring... Hope that answers your questions. Btw - I'll let you know if we need an aditional guitarist ;)
Hey Lars, I posted this on another thread over a month ago so I apologize if you have read it and just decided to not reply. So, here goes......
Hey Lazare,
Probably not the most appropriate place to discuss non-Borknagar matters considering how this is a Borknagar forum, but here goes.......In Harmonia Universali is my top pick for Best Album of 2003. You and Cornelius have truly created something monumental as far as progressive music is concerned. And I must say, you really sound more and more like Jon Anderson with each successive album, hehe. Now, my question that I wished to ask you was when you expect this 60 minutes of creative jelly to form(new Solefald)? And will it be through Century Media?

Thanks Lars
@ The Scourge: We're planning on entering the studio next summer (2004) to record the new Solefald album, and that will probably mean a late autumn / early winter release. Thanks for your nice words on our music by the way. Don't really know who Jon Anderson is, but he must be one hell of a vocalist, hehe ;)

@ Henrikmain: Well, don't know how much I want to reveal right now, but the band-lineup will be a mixture of profiled musicians, the music will be progressive metal, it's gonna be cool :grin: and I'll be doing vocals... The album will be released through The End Records

In other news, I've just finished my work as the storyteller on the new Vintersorg album "The Focusing Blur" (on which I also laid down a hammond solo for tradition's sake, hehe). Be sure to check this album out as it's turning out to be a killer release. BTW You just won't believe the bass work Steve put down on this one....
TheRealLazare said:
In other news, I've just finished my work as the storyteller on the new Vintersorg album "The Focusing Blur" (on which I also laid down a hammond solo for tradition's sake, hehe). Be sure to check this album out as it's turning out to be a killer release. BTW You just won't believe the bass work Steve put down on this one....
storyteller... will be interesting I´m soo excited and I just can´t hide it!! :):):):)

I really loved your voice on Ásmegins new album!!
TheRealLazare said:
Don't really know who Jon Anderson is, but he must be one hell of a vocalist, hehe ;)


Jon Anderson is a Yes member, the vocalist. He is a very particular vocalist, the first times you listen to him it´s very strange, because its vocals is so
sharp (is it the word?, sorry for my english)

Definitely you have to check out Close to the Edge, Relayer, or Fragile albums :wave:
TheRealLazare said:
@ Henrikmain: Well, don't know how much I want to reveal right now, but the band-lineup will be a mixture of profiled musicians, the music will be progressive metal, it's gonna be cool :grin: and I'll be doing vocals... The album will be released through The End Records
doesn't reveal too much but still sounds promising :)

and about the Vintersorg record.........only one track with Hammond on it? I was hoping for a little more :(
min said:

Jon Anderson is a Yes member, the vocalist. He is a very particular vocalist, the first times you listen to him it´s very strange, because its vocals is so
sharp (is it the word?, sorry for my english)

Definitely you have to check out Close to the Edge, Relayer, or Fragile albums :wave:
@Min: Sorry, my brain must have been on vacation. And to think I was actually listening to "Tales From Topographic Oceans" when I asked who he was.... Damn. I love Yes. Next to King Crimson, Genesis, Jethro Tull and Camel, they're the best band the late sixties /early seventies had to offer.
TheRealLazare said:
@Min: Sorry, my brain must have been on vacation. And to think I was actually listening to "Tales From Topographic Oceans" when I asked who he was.... Damn.

hey man, you're forgiven :lol:
Lars I just wanted to tell you, I've been listening to the new Solefald a lot lately, and aside from it being a great and creative album, it reminds me a lot of the old masters of rock. Crimson and Genesis to be precise. Some of the guitar midway through the album has hints of the new King Crimson album, and the way the album ends has a Selling England by the Pound feel to it, so congrats! The inspiration came through really well without sounding like any kind of rip-off. Your voice gets better with every album, all the harmonies on this one are really tight, the choir is great and the production on the album is perfect. Nice drum work too by the way. Sorry for the asskissing, but cheers man. Ever heard Mats & Morgan? Check them out!
Gaunerin said:
doesn't reveal too much but still sounds promising :)

and about the Vintersorg record.........only one track with Hammond on it? I was hoping for a little more :(
There's more hammanond than that, but Lars are only doing a hammons solo type of thing on one track, I 've done the others!!

mr V