If ye want Borknagar to tour, post here!!!

I do that too. :lol: Sigh, if they tour though I'm sure they won't come here and now that I don't have a job I'll have to miss them.

Well, new label, new cd's... they could end up touring Europe, some festivals and so forth, then if that goes well might even come over here to North America. I really hope they do, maybe I'm just dreaming though.

And it's a matter of opinion :p. I personally like Dimmu a lot, I'm just pissed off at the fact Vortex barely sings and when he does it's only for 30 seconds max but whatever.
BORKYS FOR WACKEN 08!!!!!!!!!!!

Wacken used to be a great festival like 3-4 years ago. Now it totally sucks :Puke: .

Bloodstock Open Air would be much better :rock: .

Isjungfrun said:
Nooo, Wacken sucks!

Agreed, Bork is much better than that.

Kazaum said:
I think they're an aweful band, but I stayed to see the man himself.

Well Dimmu is certainly not an awful band. They're no Arcturus, mind you, but they have managed to release very solid albums, and certainly a few masterpieces (Enthrone and Puritanical :rock: :kickass: :rock: ).

I guess you hate them because they're so pop and commercial, but they surely are not an awful band.
Wacken used to be a great festival like 3-4 years ago. Now it totally sucks :Puke: .

Bloodstock Open Air would be much better :rock: .

Agreed, Bork is much better than that.

Well Dimmu is certainly not an awful band. They're no Arcturus, mind you, but they have managed to release very solid albums, and certainly a few masterpieces (Enthrone and Puritanical :rock: :kickass: :rock: ).

I guess you hate them because they're so pop and commercial, but they surely are not an awful band.

I actually really enjoyed In Sorte Diaboli too. Am I the only one who noticed how similar The Fundamental Alienation sounds to Arcturus?