If ye want Borknagar to tour, post here!!!

Darn you old men *shakes fist*

I love that a lot of people fail to realise that most metal musicians aren't super stars. I mean talking to a lot of band members about touring, they were saying about how hard it really is. You can't just get up and go tour the Country and play gigs since a lot of them still have day jobs and need to book time off or quit said job for a tour. I think it was the guys from Cathedral were talking about how they all left their jobs to go on a tour as a support act, but the main act suddenly cancelled the entire tour. So the band members were out of their jobs and out of money and unable to fix it. Jeff Walker has a day job, I forgot where but I burst out into laughter and spat my drink out everywhere when he told me what it was as I squeeled "I CAN GET A JOB BETTER THAN THAT".

Being a musician isn't all it's cracked up to be apparently.

I think Borknagar would be more suited to just play a few festivals or something rather than a tour. At least then they can return home the next day and continue with their lives.
My brother is a musician. It's pretty rough. Basically everyone has a dayjob, except my bro (who lives on the second floor of my mom's house), and they set up a recording studio at home because they found going to get their stuff recorded was too expensive.
My father is a professional pipe organist, but he would never have been able to raise a family based off of that. He worked a job in high-tech for a few decades, so now he's retired and plays the organ on weekends.
yeah Bork will never do a tour, definetly, but I think it's fine to do a couple of concerts every now and then :) . I believe the guys will have lots of fun :rock: :Spin:

Anyway yeah, it's not like they're COB superstars ye know? :Puke:
yeah Bork will never do a tour, definetly, but I think it's fine to do a couple of concerts every now and then :) . I believe the guys will have lots of fun :rock: :Spin:

Anyway yeah, it's not like they're COB superstars ye know? :Puke:

COB are hardly rolling in money. I mean look at Angela from Arch Enemy, she was selling off some of her clothes from tours and stuff because she was having money troubles.
^Yeah I saw that from Angela. but I didn't know it was due to monetary problems! :hypno: Wow :hypno: , it's a bit hard to believe it since Arch Enemy is so popular you know?

Still, I'm sure COB gets a lot of money, they're quite popular in the US you know?

I know I know, so is AE, but still, COB is a lot more popular. To the point that mall-core kids in the US think that AYDY? is COB's 1st album :lol:.

PS: Well it is COB's 1st bad album, of many more to come I'm afraid :Puke: . New one is out in April heehehe :Puke: .
I think Borknagar are getting loads of more fans through Dimmu. I know they're probably not really big fans, but still, they'd make the numbers at concerts!

I remember when no one I met knew Borknagar, but the bigger Dimmu gets the more I see people saying how they've heard/listened/like Borknagar. I still don't know if that's a good thing though....:lol:
Still can't say I've really met many Borknagar fans IRL.

Well, I know many Borknadale fans IRL, mostly because I made them fans :p No one around here ever really heard of them, but :lol: I always find ways to introduce the band to new ears. It's all part of my dellusion that if their fanbase increases and record sales jump they will do a tour :goggly:
Well, I know many Borknadale fans IRL, mostly because I made them fans :p No one around here ever really heard of them, but :lol: I always find ways to introduce the band to new ears. It's all part of my dellusion that if their fanbase increases and record sales jump they will do a tour :goggly:

I do that too. :lol: Sigh, if they tour though I'm sure they won't come here and now that I don't have a job I'll have to miss them.
^ Hehe well there's more of chance of them going to Houston than them coming to Costa Rica :lol: (so sad... :waah: ).

Yeah actually I don't know many Bork fans either. Actually I don't know any besides my gf who is not really into the band. So this makes me CR's only Bork fan?

Sweeeeet :kickass: .