If ye want Borknagar to tour, post here!!!

^ Hehehe yeah.

Or maybe Oysten will go "Hey, we actually have a Costa Rican fan! Bloody hell we have fans in Costa Rica! Lets make a world tour! :hypno: And lets do it with Dimmu so we can invite Vortex to sing a few songs! Lets make the arrangements right now!!!"

That'd be simply awesome.


Also, I would certainly love to see a kind of "acoustic concert" with old songs and from Origin :rock:.
pfft, yeah right. Like we could convince Vintersorg to stop being lame and busy recording boring albums to go tour.
*bitch whine*

I was talking to a few guys who organise a Festival here in the UK.
They seem to be slowly digging Borknagar. I'm hoping something can be sorted out for their festival in 08. :3
If they did a one-off show, I'd probably do the same.
The only reason I couldn't go to Inferno 2006 was because of stupid final exams (which I failed..) :(
any news on the next "heavy" Borknagar album?

The Borknagar camp are very active when it comes to mind activities..hehehe..we're sorting out the impressions and expressions and are on the verge to start to make it into a musical and understanable form. But it'll take some time until the album will be out as we don't plan to rush things. It'll be a metal album!!

mr V

Hmmm... time to start plugging Borknagar on the Bloodstock forum again, perhaps?

I made a thread for this year, and to try and get Sturmgeist.See Sturmgeist is planning a tour next year so it is possible to fit them in and since I highly doubt Borknagar would play even with a huge demand... I'm going to pay more attention on getting Sturmgeist's name known at BOA.

I was actually plugging Borknagar for Damnation festival, since personally I don't think BOA is Borknagar's kind of place. I doubt I can get the organisers to even consider Borknagar this year since the festival is only a month anyway, but for 08 it may actually work if people back me up.
I wouldn't go to check their tour, unless it was in Latin America.
That means I'll never see them playng live :(
^ ...and then there were two :p:waah:.

Well i have the same feeling as with Arcturus, i know I'll never see the band live, but as long as they make a concert and record it to sell it, I'll be a very happy man :rock:.

No really, I believe recording a live album is the next step Borknagar should take. A concert wold make us fan all over the world more than grateful, believe me.

One fucking recorded concert. It doesn't matter where.

We want a concert! We want a concert!

^ ...and then there were two :p:waah:.

Well i have the same feeling as with Arcturus, i know I'll never see the band live, but as long as they make a concert and record it to sell it, I'll be a very happy man :rock:.

No really, I believe recording a live album is the next step Borknagar should take. A concert wold make us fan all over the world more than grateful, believe me.

One fucking recorded concert. It doesn't matter where.

We want a concert! We want a concert!


Wait, you're a man?