If ye want Borknagar to tour, post here!!!

will Borknagar ever come to germany again?
I would like to see them in Düsseldorf or Köln or in a city next to this both.

Now, the new album is for sale...is that a gleam of hope that tells me they will?

Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
^ Hahaha well believe me I'm not one of those :mad: :rolleyes: :p .

Actually, the scene is so small here, that I go to konzerts of bands I don't really like or care about. That's what you call supporting the scene :) :rock: :kickass: .

But then again, FUCK, only like 500 people (top) went to DIO's konzert, so apparently my efforts are for none since everyone here is a fucking idiot that doen't go to great konzerts.

Fucking pricks, now I'm mad!!! :u-huh: :zombie: :Puke:

hes right. and besides dark tranquillity (which kicked ass ) all the other artists that come here are washed out artists who USED to be good and now suck,obviously there are a few exceptions.

and theres not a single metal band in this country that is half as good as the real metal bands. Gay rock and roll has a bigger audience and their singers are nasal,annoying twats. and the only groups that are really good are made by music teachers on their mid 40's-50's, like a couple of groups named Swing en 4 (jazzesque) and Pelacats (instrumental prog) which sadly disbanded
I should note that by posting in this thread, even though I fully understand why Borknagar touring is just an unreasonable idea right now, I am admitting that I would really like to see them play live.
darcy said:
I should note that by posting in this thread, even though I fully understand why Borknagar touring is just an unreasonable idea right now, I am admitting that I would really like to see them play live.

I concur... it would be a fucking highlight of my life to see them live, not to mention an honor. And I've seen Iron Maiden and Children of Bodom, but to see Borknagar I think would be far more incredible.
rammpeth said:
hes right. and besides dark tranquillity (which kicked ass ) all the other artists that come here are washed out artists who USED to be good and now suck,obviously there are a few exceptions.

and theres not a single metal band in this country that is half as good as the real metal bands. Gay rock and roll has a bigger audience and their singers are nasal,annoying twats. and the only groups that are really good are made by music teachers on their mid 40's-50's, like a couple of groups named Swing en 4 (jazzesque) and Pelacats (instrumental prog) which sadly disbanded

Well, I have to partly disagree with you, I think that most of the bands that have come here are really good. I mean FUCK, we got to see THERION live!!!

IMO that's quite an achievement for a country like ours hehe.

But yeah, the international scene is more dead than ever here. I mean, hehe 130 people for Mystic Circle? LOL :lol: * :waah: *

Actually, concerning CRn bands, we still have " Time's Forgotten ", which pwns any other band's ass (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cf...MyToken=9f44135a-8b06-4e9a-a2f3-4e52e7de6b34).

Everyone, please check that band out, they're really good :rock: .
If I want Borknagar to tour and come to South America? :guh:
OF COURSE I WANT! :notworthy
Borknagar is one of my favorite bands, and also one of the bands that probably will never tour outside Europe... =/
Didn't any of you see Borknagar on their U.S. tour with Emperor several years back?
Sheesh, some people have short memories! :lol:

I remember that tour well...

First, we had Divine Empire, who had two death metal vocalists--yet they sounded EXACTLY the same.

Next up, I think, was Witchery. My prime memory from their set is of Jensen continually throwing the crowd 'W's.

I could be wrong, but I believe Peccatum preceded Borknagar. How a band in which Ihsahn plays can be SO awful is beyond my understanding.

Borknagar played very well. I remember Simen fucking up a vocal line at the beginning of a song, so they had to start over. He even said something like "fucking hell! Sorry!" It was cool to see him playing a Rickenbacker. It was also cool to see Nick Barker behind the kit. I don't think they had a live keyboardist at that point, but I could well be wrong.

Emperor you all know...
Borknagar played very well. I remember Simen fucking up a vocal line at the beginning of a song, so they had to start over. He even said something like "fucking hell! Sorry!" It was cool to see him playing a Rickenbacker. It was also cool to see Nick Barker behind the kit. I don't think they had a live keyboardist at that point, but I could well be wrong.

Please understand that I hate you only out of pure envy.
It was at the Palladium downstairs... naturally, Ihsahn said "What's up, Wor-chester?" I think Simen got the pronunciation right. Interestingly, Divine Empire, who are American, addressed the audience as "Wor-chester" as well. :lol:
I remember Decapitated played the Palladium and said "WHAT DEH FOCK IS OP MASSACHUSETTS!!! WANT TO HEAR SOME METAL FROM POLAAAAND!!!"
I remember Decapitated played the Palladium and said "WHAT DEH FOCK IS OP MASSACHUSETTS!!! WANT TO HEAR SOME METAL FROM POLAAAAND!!!"

I've seen them play twice, both times the crows was shouting random polish phrases at them like "Food", "Hello" etc.....mainly food though.
We would be more than happy to welcome you in Quebec City (Canada). There's a lot of headbangers over here. We're waiting for you guys !:rock: