If ye want Borknagar to tour, post here!!!

The Bringer said:
Is there a reason why the band doesn't tour anymore?

The disadvantage of being a metal super-group, you can't tour much because all your members are busy with all the other bands that made them famous.
Joking aside, I think Bork does not tour mainly because of the fact that most of the members has more important things in life than being on the road for weeks or months in the end. (and underground metall tours are not an easy-outing) They got their lives, some has familiy, kids, and probably find it enough to have a CD out every now and then (with Bork or with other bands) without comitting themselves to the lifestyle of a touring / recording musican.
But obviously the members have the aswer, so wait till they post it here :-)
@Zephyrus: That'd be a good and reasonable answer actually, but still, I think that they should tour. It kinda feels like they owe to thier fans ye know? After so many years without one single damn konzert!!! *gets angry and cries*

^ Yeah, but onece again, I feel that they owe some touring to their fans.
PS: And it is "the members have... " hehehe. :lol:

I think that Sr.Erik has probably seen this thread, he made a post like two days ago, so I guess he's bound to read it at sometime (if he hasn't done that already).

So Sr.Erik, it would be really nice to have a reply ye know? :) Please? :) Just for the sake of our mental health hehehe :goggly: :Smokin: :rolleyes: .
"Being payed very well has never been the question! I/we have said no to several tours because it would force us to live below the limits of starvation(hence: WHO) for a month on tour and then you have the eqonomical hang over when returning home.....
Just beyond my dignity!"

-Oystein G. Brun

I searched it up and found that post...
What would be awesome was if Borknagar were to support Immortal on their two US dates next year.

Oh, and play Inferno, because finally I'm not on vacation this easter. :p
Nick_Perrin said:
"Being payed very well has never been the question! I/we have said no to several tours because it would force us to live below the limits of starvation(hence: WHO) for a month on tour and then you have the eqonomical hang over when returning home.....
Just beyond my dignity!"

-Oystein G. Brun

Not good enough excuse IMO, ye can eat very well when being on tour, just ask the guys who hire ye to have ye a nice meal :p .

^ And it'll be even more awesome if they did a Latin America Tour ;) (heck they'd be already here, so why not go down a few km? Please? :p ).
Most Borkna-fans would be lame and fail to attend with excuses such as "the opening band sucks" or "I work the next day" or something equally foolish anyways. Shame! Such is often the case with excellent bands.
I hope they will eventually tour the U.S.! Maybe they could go on Gigantour-- Opeth did and I guess they have a similar audience to Borknagar.

Nick_Perrin said:
"Being payed very well has never been the question! I/we have said no to several tours because it would force us to live below the limits of starvation(hence: WHO) for a month on tour and then you have the eqonomical hang over when returning home.....
Just beyond my dignity!"

-Oystein G. Brun

I searched it up and found that post...

I remember that thread. I posted "Everyone volunteer to take Borknagar to dinner" http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showpost.php?p=4844744&postcount=24
and guys, I was serious. I bet you can drink a lot of beer, so I should start saving money now. :kickass:
Zephyrus said:
What's best for Borknagar to do, if possible, is to latch on to another larger band's tour as direct support and do a world tour. I expect Dimmu Borgir to do lots of touring next year after they release their new album, and since they have strong connections I think that would work great.

Agreed. And boy, oh boy would I love to see Borknagar out on the road, especially with an act like Dimmu. Too bad they aren't already on the big metal tours that are scheduled to rip across the States, like Incantation, Goatwhore, Moonspell/Katatonia (eh, maybe), Bodom/Amon Amarth, or even Dark Funeral/Enslaved. *sigh* Soon, hopefully...
I'm just going to keep saving all the money up that I can, and when I hear they're playing a festival, I'll go to that. So hopefully, not too soon, because I haven't started saving yet.
darcy said:
Most Borkna-fans would be lame and fail to attend with excuses such as "the opening band sucks" or "I work the next day" or something equally foolish anyways. Shame! Such is often the case with excellent bands.
I've never thought of that, but it is completely true.
I see it happen CONSTANTLY, and it annoys me to no end, especially when I know so many people who just sit at home and complain that there are no metal shows... rather than go to them when they do happen. Same goes for people who just make no effort whatsoever to find out what bands are coming to their area, if you're going to complain then you should at least make the effort!
^ Hahaha well believe me I'm not one of those :mad: :rolleyes: :p .

Actually, the scene is so small here, that I go to konzerts of bands I don't really like or care about. That's what you call supporting the scene :) :rock: :kickass: .

But then again, FUCK, only like 500 people (top) went to DIO's konzert, so apparently my efforts are for none since everyone here is a fucking idiot that doen't go to great konzerts.

Fucking pricks, now I'm mad!!! :u-huh: :zombie: :Puke:
I really like the idea of them touring with Dimmu Borgir or amon amarth. Granted I would love to see them as a headliner, it just won't happen this time around. But you gotta' start somewhere. Also, I think the conditions on a us tour with Dimmu would be....humane...

Also, a US tour would have its advantages: Borknagar would widen its fanbase.