To Matt Smith: God Bless


Dec 18, 2007
I've been a Christian since the age of seven, but I adopted some very unhealthy ideas and habits with regards to the practice of my faith. At the beginning of this college semester (my freshman year) about five months ago, I renounced my Christianity. I've been attending a Christian college, though (that I chose before my renunciation), and God has been gradually leading me back for a while.

I ordered Theocracy after hearing some of the samples on the website and discovering that it was all done by one man. When I got home for Christmas break, it arrived. The lyrics during the last four stanzas of Serpent's Kiss and the bridge of the title song were the last pushes I needed to rediscover my faith in a new way. Thank you so much, Matt, for helping me find what I've been looking for. Your music has been a true blessing to me, and you can be certain that you have one more devoted fan for as long as you continue writing music.
Luke 15:7 - I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

Merry Christmas, Atreides.
Hey Atreides. That's very awesome. Matt and the gang's music is very inspirational and touching. I know it always brings my focus right back where it should be everytime I listen to it. I'm glad to hear how it has helped you.

And by the way, I love your user name.
...The lyrics during the last four stanzas of Serpent's Kiss and the bridge of the title song were the last pushes I needed to rediscover my faith in a new way.

just wait until you hear 'Laying the Demon to Rest' and 'Mirror of Souls', among more tracks from the new album. I guarantee you will love the new album as much or more as you do the debut.

Good stuff. :)
Hey Atreides. That's very awesome. Matt and the gang's music is very inspirational and touching. I know it always brings my focus right back where it should be everytime I listen to it. I'm glad to hear how it has helped you.

And by the way, I love your user name.
Absolutely. The first really genuine-sounding Christian metal music I ever heard, though I really want to get my hands on Saviour Machine and Virgin Black, being a huge gothic/symphonic fan as well as power/prog.

Also, I read Dune at 15 and have used this as my username ever since. :)

just wait until you hear 'Laying the Demon to Rest' and 'Mirror of Souls', among more tracks from the new album. I guarantee you will love the new album as much or more as you do the debut.

Good stuff. :)
I can't wait. The snippets I've heard are great, and all of this fantastic early word is driving me insane. I'll be really happy when I can finally hear it.
I really want to get my hands on Saviour Machine and Virgin Black, being a huge gothic/symphonic fan as well as power/prog.

If you ever get a chance to see Virgin Black live, do it! Absolutely phenomenal energy in their performance. Plus, you can see how personal the music is to them. It almost felt like the audience was 'stepping on their toes' - as if we were being let into their world.

Hard to describe, but a great show! Their albums are not easy to digest, and definitely not for everyone, but they have a very unique sound.
If you have not even been able to hear saviour machine or virgin black, check out the following pages: Saviour Machine's Legend III:II album preview page and Virgin Black's profile you can listen to all of their albums in their entirety on there, so I'm sure you'll enjoy that. Both bands are absolutely amazing IMO, they're both favorites of mine.
Hey guys, I just wanted to reinforce Atreides' message with telling some own experiences with Theocracy. I have found some Theocracy samples half a year ago and I still listen to the debut continuously. I'm into metal since a long time (bands like Sonata Arctica, Kamelot, Ayreon, Rhapsody etc.), and I have always missed a high quality Christian band in this genre. Sadly, positive message and first class music not always go hand in hand... "Normal" worship songs never really inspired me to sing aloud alone at home either (well, that's changed this week with "Oh to see the dawn", which is beautiful...) and I have just recognized that I missed that feeling, when I started to know Theocracy.

I am amazed by the band (and the first album - recorded alone: now, that's devotedness to music and God!). Everytime I hear the songs I am struck by their impetus which really goes well with the energy of living with God. I hope that now Theocracy became a kind of an "established" or "recognized" band an even greater opportunity will present itself to give space to creativity, passion, variety and encouraging lyrics. Keep up the excellent work and be persistent!

If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for all of us -- how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? (Romans 8:31b-32 NIV)