To move or not move - The ultimate stage dive!

Risk my neck for some idiot kid? No, thanks. :p Then again, I was never a stage-diver and always despised them for the most part. Kicked in the head once too many times by idiots.


Couldn't agree more! I hate seeing the kind that jump off, flailing & kicking.
More than one punkass has met some very unreceptive people within our concert going clan. Saying anything more might get me/us in trouble for assault... :heh: Bring out the tasers! :Smokedev:
Couldn't agree more! I hate seeing the kind that jump off, flailing & kicking.
More than one punkass has met some very unreceptive people within our concert going clan. Saying anything more might get me/us in trouble for assault... :heh: Bring out the tasers! :Smokedev:

As I understand it, you got in trouble for tricking a certain musician into stage-diving last year.

Naughty, naughty, J-Dub. :lol:
As I understand it, you got in trouble for tricking a certain musician into stage-diving last year.

Naughty, naughty, J-Dub. :lol:

First of all, I didn't trick him, I goaded him....:heh:
Secondly, we caught him, had he hit the floor, I'd not be typing this, because I would be on the run, quite possibly forever....:lol:
Which brings me to NOT getting in trouble :p


As you were..... hehehehehhehehehehe
Okay, J-Dub who are we gonna goad into taking a stage dive this year? Of course without getting into trouble.
Oh yeah, I'd move. That guy is a Darwin Award waiting to happen...far be it from me to stand in the way of his success! ;)

1.....2....3.... splat!!! :heh:

I'd move too. If the dude was roughly 150-200 pounds, I don't want that falling on me, even from that distance.

All those who approve, step forward (and everyone steps back a step).

Agreed - this is one of those where you'd hear "Hold my beer, watch this" as his last act before his death.
Okay, J-Dub who are we gonna goad into taking a stage dive this year? Of course without getting into trouble.

We'll see if I'm there this year. :(
Hmmmm we'll have to see who we can "trick" ;)
Chris was easy, he started it! :lol:

1.....2....3.... splat!!! :heh:

I'd move too. If the dude was roughly 150-200 pounds, I don't want that falling on me, even from that distance.

All those who approve, step forward (and everyone steps back a step).

Agreed - this is one of those where you'd hear "Hold my beer, watch this" as his last act before his death.

I'd laugh, and then I'd laugh some more....and MAYBE drink his beer :lol:
We'll see if I'm there this year. :(
Hmmmm we'll have to see who we can "trick" ;)
Chris was easy, he started it! :lol:

I'd laugh, and then I'd laugh some more....and MAYBE drink his beer :lol:

You better be there, and yeah Chris was easy. Let's see maybe we can "trick" Glenn or maybe bribe him with a bottle of Jack.
*guffaw* Goaded, eh? I'm not sure how much to believe what comes out of your mouth. Or in this case, through your fingers. :lol: I think the only reason he was caught is because the crowd had warning. And he's not a huge guy, either. That helps. But if you guys can somehow get Glenn to stage dive, I will call you the masters. :D
You better be there, and yeah Chris was easy. Let's see maybe we can "trick" Glenn or maybe bribe him with a bottle of Jack.

After the last two weeks, chances are quite slim, although Glenn has my money already, so you know I'm going to try and be there....

*guffaw* Goaded, eh? I'm not sure how much to believe what comes out of your mouth. Or in this case, through your fingers. :lol: I think the only reason he was caught is because the crowd had warning. And he's not a huge guy, either. That helps. But if you guys can somehow get Glenn to stage dive, I will call you the masters. :D

I am a beacon of truth...:saint:He did a little fake dive, and I believe I yelled something along the lines of "...c'mon, don't be a pussy!" It's not like I held up a bottle of beer & a plate of spareribs, or a "free Bird Seed" sign ala Roadrunner.....:lol: Yes, we were a pre-warned crowd (& people were paying attention!!), and yes, it's a good thing that Chris isn't 6'6" & 280 lbs....THAT would have been trouble... Won't we need Mercenary for Glenn to dive to again?
*pictures The Dub bribing musicians to stagedive by bribing them with beer and spareribs* :lol: -that- would have been highly amusing.

Though I think pyramaze51 is right, for Glenn you'd need a big bottle of Jack. Maybe two, just to be safe. And that "Free birdseed" sign might not be a bad idea either.

It'll be like a cartoon! :D