In unrelated news.....I found this on the side-bar when watching that:
Completely unrelated, but goddamn that pissed me off. Cops like that are true pieces of shit and are a disgrace to people who have earned the title of "officer". I hope his superiors were made aware of this...![]()
I hate to say it, but I will....
The complete and utter lack of respect that kids of this age group show not only police officers, or adults, but to each other, is apalling. I see it literally EVERY day. I'm not saying ALL kids of this age group are like this, but the ones that aren't are few & far between. You don't push (verbally or physically) a cop that's obiviously not having a good day. I will admit the cop was a bit harsh on the kid, but I'm also willing to admit that this kid's parents are are the pinultimate D-Bags, judging by the way their lovely little child acted. I won't even go into the location being a known skater hangout even though it's posted posted as "No Skating", these kids DON'T know it's not allowed? Bullshit. Kudos to the SMART kid telling his friend to just "...shut up..." too bad he didn't listen, this would have been a NON issue...
When did our society become so pussified? Had I mouthed off to a cop as a kid, and gotten pushed around, the LAST thing I'd want to do is call my mom or dad and tell them. The cop is on paid administrative leave, will probably be reassigned or reprimanded. I sure as hell hope he doesn't lose his job, because he, IMO, deserves a fucking medal....
Edit: You wanna bitch about REAL police brutality, find the vid of the drunk chick from LA, lying handcuffed in a pool of her own blood. THAT'S the kind of shit you should be concerned about!
Nevermind, here's a link:
I had to listen to my peers complain about the police, and go on and on about authority and how they don't like it. It bothered me to no end.
Not all cops are saints, but there are many, MANY men and women sporting the badge who are good officers doing their best to make sure the people in their precinct are safe. I personally believe the bad cops are NOT the majority. They just get the majority of the press.
First off, I wasn't bitching and the word "brutality" wasn't present anywhere in my post nor was it anywhere in my mind when I saw that or posted. You're wasting your time trying to patronize me there, sweetheart![]()
To say that this douchebag deserves a medal is absolutely ridiculous, and disprectful to people who have earned such honors in the line of duty. The day a cop's performance on the job is affected by his mood is the day that cop needs a serious slap in the face. Having been on the receiving end of cops who are complete pieces of waste and abuse their authority, I have little tolerance when it happens in other cases. I guarantee you the other kids telling their friend to shut up were doing so out of fear, not respect. That douche in the uniform knows it too. Furthermore, respect is earned. Unfortunately, while something such as a badge or a uniform should be enough evidence of someone deserving respect, they simply aren't in this day and age (not that corruption and abuse of authority are new trends...) and it kills me to have to admit that. However, I absolutely agree that too many kids are absolute douchebags, hell...I had to go through high school with more than enough of them and still have to deal with that shit into college.
In unrelated news.....I found this on the side-bar when watching that:
Completely unrelated, but goddamn that pissed me off. Cops like that are true pieces of shit and are a disgrace to people who have earned the title of "officer". I hope his superiors were made aware of this...![]()
There are good cops, and there are bad cops, just like with anything else--they're people. I think this particular guy was out of line and his response was disproportionate from what I saw. Skaters tend to piss me off, too, but that's not my job.![]()
sorry jdubya, can't back you up on this one.
i don't feel like finding the words to articulate it right now, but Meedley is completely right. He yelled at the kid about being 14, but the cop was throwing a tantrum like a little child himself. I'd rather have one less cop on the streets than have guys like this out there making believe to "protect" me. He's just seems a guy on a power-trip who thinks getting his badge makes him king. Regardless of what the badge says, he's no cop to me. He's not even a dude.