To Shane

Apr 3, 2004
Nashville, TN

I wanted to say thank you for a great showcase. this was my first year to go to the showcase/pre party. I loved it. you have nothing to feel bad about. what happened with VP was totally out of your hands. you could not help that one bit. not only did you find a opener, you also let FK play longer. great night of music. i appreciate all the hard work and effort you put into getting this together for us fans.

By the way, the surprise of the night for me was your band. I did not know what to expect and you guys were incredible. i loved your set and look forward to the cd being released.

i wish you and the band great success/

Thanks again for all of your hard work.

DITTO! You could also look at it this way. If VP did play, it would of been to killer of a show and probably too hard to top. Even though I think with FK playing a longer awesome set, it still may be hard to top. ((((((((RAINTIME))))))))))) Good luck Shane, I'm looking foward to see what you come up with.