to you bastet, and other people arround here

PY said:
not really near. Theres an airport in Brussels... Vosselaar is at 70-100 km from Brussels, something like that...

Oh boy, again in the biebob... Nice venue but it's time Anathema gets to play in another one in Belgium. The biebob is becoming to small for them (and to metal related imho)
uh i reckon its 100 kms away from brussels. its quite a bit through antwerp so.

for a venue in brussels theres a superb one in vorst.
im not talking bout 'foret national'! theres another one called 'ten weyngaert' and there i saw the best crowd ever in belgium. wanna go back actually.

i wouldnt mind if they play in the 'vooruit' (heh) but theyre not keen on putting bands on these days. only if stu bru is involved. cunts.
eh gorik 25euros to get there ;) 15E for the gig. and 15E for the hotel. dead cheap. well its still 55E without tranportation and food (in london :ill: ) but youre out :tickled:
who choses these places actually, where bands play?
vooruit was nice in 1998, i think they nowadays do maximum 1 "metal" gig a year.

yeah, this is gonna be a great party... come to belgium!
because bob knows first about tours i guess? im pretty sure the guy from 'metal organisation' would arrange it as well in vorst... and bob is a prick :mad: