Toby Driver solo album

It's great. What was the caption to that, something like "high heels do not allow Mia to escape" or something?

I haven't listened to this samples yet, just what he put on the KD board a few weeks ago, and it ruled in heavy amounts.
so what the fuck? i just realized this came out two weeks ago, but haven't seen or heard anything about it.

either way, i need to make my way to a music store post haste!
they were selling them on tour. I hung out with Greg and Toby and Mia for several hours just gabbing, as the bands were very leasurely ... Mia went to the bar and got some wierd hybrid beer thing that smelt of raspberries and when she came back, I picked up her violin stand so she could get by, and she said, "You look like a king with his scepter.":blush:

Toby bought me a beer with his mighty band member discount.

Mia is every bit as lovely and charming as she seems to be on the board.
hey nad, semi funny story: this dude comes up to Toby and he's all like, "wow man, we played the first KD disc at a party and slowly all the people there began to stop talking and be completely mesmerized by your music, it is truly life altering stuff, man..."

and then the whole kayo dot set he was outside smoking and eating pizza with these two other guys.

It was....unr00ly.