Today's \m/ metal \m/ playlist

amorphis suck. :)

electric wizard - dopethrone
meshuggah - chaosphere

that's today's metal contribution. last night listened to COC - wiseblood for the first time in years, smokin shitz. also ulver - bergtatt. really smokin shitz. probably listen to sunn O))) - black one later tonight.
Sunn O))) - Black One
oh man I'm rubbing my scrotum writing this. Just for the sake of asking, should I check Twilight and Lurker of Chalice, given I'm all for Leviathan and Xasthur?
Ellestin said:
Sunn O))) - Black One
oh man I'm rubbing my scrotum writing this. Just for the sake of asking, should I check Twilight and Lurker of Chalice, given I'm all for Leviathan and Xasthur?

Well, if you like Leviathan and Xasthur, both of these projects are BETTER than Leviathan and Xasthur so YES do it.
markgugs said:
Tad Morose, holy crap! It's a GREAT "true" metal album. I love the vocalist's erm, vocals.
Urban is an amazing vocalist, and Tad Morose is one of the best Power metal bands out there. I had a chance to hang with him at this past ProgPower, as he's engaged to a friend of mine. he's a very cool guy.

markgugs said:
Queensryche - anyone with a brain knows this EP rules. The re-released remastered version with the 10 live bonus tracks is just gravy. God this band was so fuckin good.

markgugs said:
Next batch:
Amorphis - Far From the Sun - I agree with with CV. Terrible disc. Sounds like they mailed this one in.
Overkill - Killbox 13 - I love "Taking Over". Everything else bores me.
Anthrax - We've Come For You All - solid. If you like John Bush, you'll like it.
Queensryche - Tribe (I hope I make it all the way through this) - sucks ass. Not quite as much as HitNF and Q2K, but it's close.
Seven Witches - Passage to the Other Side - as generic as Power Metal gets.

General Zod said:
In fairness, all songs about Gorgons rule. "Medusa" (by Anthrax, for the kiddies on the forum) is one of my all-time favorite songs.

Don't forget that the kiddies on the forum are ten times the hellthrashers all you oldtimers are together
fotmbm said:
Don't forget that the kiddies on the forum are ten times the hellthrashers all you oldtimers are together
Are you comparing the kiddies of today, to us at our age now? If so, I'm not convinced. If you're comparing today the kiddies of today to us when we were kiddies, then you kiddies aint even close.

General Zod said:
Are you comparing the kiddies of today, to us at our age now? If so, I'm not convinced. If you're comparing today the kiddies of today to us when we were kiddies, then you kiddies aint even close.


Also a good point. I was MUCH MORE FUCKEN METAL when I was 20. :rock:
General Zod said:
Are you comparing the kiddies of today, to us at our age now? If so, I'm not convinced. If you're comparing today the kiddies of today to us when we were kiddies, then you kiddies aint even close.

I am comparing the kiddies in this forum with the oldtimers in this forum at this point in time, but I'm so fucking metal you'd cry if you met me when you were 20 anyway. But then again, you don't even like Bathory so you'd watch the METAL MEGA MARATHON MAYHEM on TV or something while Lurch gave me a tough match.
fotmbm said:
I am comparing the kiddies in this forum with the oldtimers in this forum at this point in time, but I'm so fucking metal you'd cry if you met me when you were 20 anyway. But then again, you don't even like Bathory so you'd watch the METAL MEGA MARATHON MAYHEM on TV or something while Lurch gave me a tough match.

I've shit out spikier turds than you.
fotmbm said:
But then again, you don't even like Bathory...
Of course i don't like Bathory... I have taste.

fotmbm said: you'd watch the METAL MEGA MARATHON MAYHEM on TV or something while Lurch gave me a tough match.
Dude, I'm so Metal that when I was your age, I had no time to post in forums. Do you know why? I was too busy being Metal; playing in a Metal band, listening to metal and fucking chicks (which is very, very metal).

I'm so Metal, I should be in detention.:loco:

General Zod said:
Of course i don't like Bathory... I have taste.

Dude, I'm so Metal that when I was your age, I had no time to post in forums. Do you know why? I was too busy being Metal; playing in a Metal band, listening to metal and fucking chicks (which is very, very metal).

I'm so Metal, I should be in detention.:loco:

two bands, actual RELEASES out, fans in southeast asia, listening to Ofermod as I type, have a goat in my bathroom for my needs, a thousand times as metal as tiny little birdies.

assniffer said:
I've shit out spikier turds than you.