Today's \m/ metal \m/ playlist

Some more thoughts:

Overkill - just completely forgettable, some good riffs, but nothing that really stood out. Apparently I'll just stick to my '80s/early '90s thrash classics from the these Jerzee boys.

Anthrax - better than I expected. I'm way more of a Belladonna guy than a Bush guy (insert stupid joke here), but this album still has lots of the trademark 'thrax riffs & breakdowns, plus melodic choruses that makes them so fun. A keeper.

Queensryche - Tribe: sigh. 'nuff said.

Arise - fuck me, I don't care how "played" the melodeath/thrash genre is, when it's done well, it's still neck-snappingly good. And this is fucking good. I loved this for its repeated headbanging moments.

On to Seven Witches now.

Next up:
Helheim - Jormundgand
Battlelore - Sword's Song
Mercyful Fate - Don't Break the Oath
Cage - Darker Than Black
Queensryche - The Warning
Battlesword - Failing In Triumph

markgugs said:

Battlelore - Sword's Song - the new one isn't bad. Though not strong enough to inspire a purchase.

Cage - Darker Than Black - solid. If you can get passed the lyrics, the songs are fun.

Queensryche - The Warning - classic, under-rated, under-appreciated. What it lacks in polish, it makes up for with intensity. This is one of those discs, that when I throw it into my player, it doesn't leave for a week.

Battlelore - better than their 1st album, still kind of cheesy & gay, but I knew that going in. Good riffs, and good mix of clean female + gruff male vox

Mercyful Fate - great classic true metal album, man they ruled (not as good as Melissa, though)

Cage - meh, power-metal-by-numbers, to the trade/sell list it goes. Plus, the lead singer is a fucking tool

Queensryche "Warning" - fucking A, this album just rules it. If they didn't have Mindcrime in their catalog, this would be their best IMO. Just so good, not a bad song, and at least 5 of my favorite QR songs.

Battlesword - lollerz, I didn't even remember why or how I got this album, but fuck me if it wasn't good! The imagery is all medieval/vikingish, but the music is brutal death vocals with tons of Dissection-inspired guitarwork. Really good, definitely a keeper.
You'll love the next batch coming up:

Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales
Exodus - Bonded By Blood
Possessed - Seven Churches
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Flotsam & Jetsam - Doomsday For the Deceiver

Someone get 911 on the speed dial. I'm gonna have whiplash.

Crimson Velvet said:
Holy fucking hell, that batch is so INCREDIBLY GOOD!!!

I've never heard Flotsam and Jetsam, but the rest of those albums are all 8/10 and up!

Just finishing them up now, and yes, they're all incredibly good! Great, even!

Without going into too much detail...
Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales - 9/10 (this is their best IMO)
Exodus - Bonded By Blood - 9/10 (absolutely furious thrashing at its best)
Possessed - Seven Churches - 9.5/10 (my fave of the bunch, this album fucking PWNS)
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark - 8/10 (not at all what I was expecting! I hated their s/t debut, but this was really good, pre-viking metal)
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends - 8/10 (thrash monster, 'nuff said)
Flotsam & Jetsam - Doomsday For the Deceiver - 8.5/10 (such an underrated album, several wicked necksnappers here)
The next batch of metal mastery to grace my ears...

Nuclear Assault - Game Over / The Plague
Death Angel - The Ultra-Violence
Overkill - Taking Over
Voivod - Killing Technology
Entombed - Left Hand Path
Forbidden - Twisted Into Form

I've been listening to a lot of Katatonia over the last few days. Brave Murder Day, The Black Sessions Comp. + DVD, Brave Yester Days... At this very moment I just put on Tonight's Decision and later it will probably be The Dance of December Souls.

That and I've been listening to Helheim on and off as well.
Ok, some mini-reviews of the last batch:

Nuclear Assault - Game Over / The Plague: 8/10 - they'll never be my favorite, but I really dig the early thrash/moshfests that were early NA
Death Angel - The Ultra-Violence: 9.5/10 - I've already been raving about this album this week; instantly made my top 10 thrash records.
Overkill - Taking Over: 9.5/10 - another absolute classic, probably my favorite Overkill album, so fucking shredding
Voivod - Killing Technology: 8.5/10 - shocked to death by this; pretty much my first listen ever to early Voivod, I had no idea they could be so thrashtastic
Entombed - Left Hand Path: 9.5/10 - woah, I'm rendered dopey by all the skullcrushing death metal on this album. Why did I wait so long to hear this again? :dopey:
Forbidden - Twisted Into Form: in the middle of this right now (damned good so far!)
