Toddler + Crack= New Mother

Apr 3, 2005
Philly Toddler Brings Crack to Daycare
By Associated Press
Sat Dec 3, 0:53 AM

PHILADELPHIA - A 2-year-old boy was removed from his family and his mother could face charges after the child handed his daycare teacher two packets of crack cocaine, and a search of his jacket pocket turned up nine more, police said.

The boy's mother was taken in for questioning when she came to pick him up at the end of the day Friday. Police said she could be charged with endangering the welfare of children.

The toddler talked about the drugs, but it wasn't clear how much he understood. According to police, he said he took the packets off a table at home.

"I don't consider any 2-year-old really having a clear sense of what they had in their possession," said Capt. John Darby of the Special Victims Unit.

A police search of the home, where the boy lives with his mother, 5-year-old sister and at least one other adult, yielded a pound of marijuana and a small amount of crack cocaine, Darby said.

The toddler and his sister were placed with the city family-services unit.

(shakes head) How the hell does a 2-year old kid get a hold of crack. I mean parents if you have crack.....KEEP IT HIDDEN.