Tom mic suggestions.

I've had my 421's for just over a month & a half. I've only used them on a couple of projects, but I must say, they're fantastic. Well worth the cash.

All mics on a stand!

I use 421 on standtom and the D2 on racks...
and am very pleased....

Files will be recorded tomorrow (with improvised gear though.....since I'm right in the middle of building a new studio the situation won't be perfect and the gear wont' be top-notch...but not too bad either (RME Quadmic into RME ADI8)
unfortunately the situation was everything but good to judge tomsounds....
the drums were good (slingerland) but the heads were 3 years !! old with dents all over them....
I could have thrown a golfball at them and it wouldn't have been rolling/falling down since the dents were deep enuoght to hold it...
a fucking pain in the ass to tune them even half-decent....

I hate when drummers make my job so much harder and the end-result so much worse...

anyways-.I threw a 57, a 421 and the D2 on it, for me in this case the D2 was by far the best mic for the job.
the 421 is an old model with Tuchel-connector, I don't know how much those differ from the current line.
To be honest I didn't like the 421 on this tom at all...

I tried to put them all in the exact same spot (one after the other..

so here you go:


.aif 24/44.1k
Thanks a lot! I don't think these toms sound soo bad.
The 421 has a lot mids (which are going to be cut for sure) and the D2 has more lows which can be good or bad. The highs sound better in the D2. I guess that if the tom was tuned higher or it has new skins, the 421 would be better than now. Anyways, I think that the winner here is D2. And that's the answer of the main question of the thread.
The 421 has a lot mids (which are going to be cut for sure) and the D2 has more lows which can be good or bad. The highs sound better in the D2. I guess that if the tom was tuned higher or it has new skins, the 421 would be better than now. Anyways, I think that the winner here is D2. And that's the answer of the main question of the thread.

Exactly what I thought.
Never used 421's but I suppose it goes without saying that they are great for toms. I used Audix D2's and D4's on the band I'm currently working on, and they turned out great. I'll post a mix once everything is tracked (only done drums and some scratch guitars). Really pleased with the Audix mics though.

I used 57's on another band I tracked over Easter, very much usable, but the Audix's are definitely more suited.
верен! :kickass:
Right! (?)


Oh, dude, that was nice :) Actually my language is even harder than yours (and IMHO yours is really hard)
In my language you have to concord the words in the sentence (by gender and other stuff). In the case where you have only one word to say you have to concord it with the probable words ;)
So it's not верен, but вярно (wjarno).

Cheers! :rock:
So Bulgaria is using Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet? Interesting... ;) (and pretty much off topic, lol, sorry)
By the sound of it I'm gonna get myself 3 D2 and 2 D4 pretty soon... I like their sound and, compared to the MD421 which are also great, they are cheaper and smaller (size can be a real issue, like when you try to mic Sean Reinert's drumkit, haha...).
We use only Cyrillic alphabet (not like the serbians, who use both latin and cyr). And please, don't call it Russian, because it was developed on the balkans and we gave it to the russians ;)

Actually what's the difference between the D1, D2 and D3? Nobody uses D1 and D3 although they are very similiar to the D2.
So Bulgaria is using Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet? Interesting... ;) (and pretty much off topic, lol, sorry)
By the sound of it I'm gonna get myself 3 D2 and 2 D4 pretty soon... I like their sound and, compared to the MD421 which are also great, they are cheaper and smaller (size can be a real issue, like when you try to mic Sean Reinert's drumkit, haha...).

Yeah thats another thing that I take into account newb drummers! Smaller is better.