Tom Tom's

Sep 16, 2004
So how does everyone EQ their Toms? Do you only cut the frequencies you don't like, or boost lows and highs? Personally i like warm toms where you can hear the reasonance of the drum. and lots of definition. Not the sound where all you here is the "smack" of the hit.

I'm going to do some demos for a friends band. I'll be recording into 1 ADAT. So i'm gonna start with just using a DM5 for all the drum sounds and a couple of overheads for the cymbals. mostly because the drummer is very inconsistant in his "attack". (hit's way, way harder on the more energetic parts)

so to get the sound i want i'm defibately going to have to use mics and pick up a couple of compressors. I have a cheap set of CAD mics, not as good as a nice set of condensers, but it's a starting point. My next planned aquisition's will be another ADAT, a larger mixer, and a couple of Behinger compressors, so i can run all the tom and snare mics on their own channel. (I use one of the Berhigers at the club where i run sound and they work really well).

If all goes well i'll put a sample online, and eveyone can critique my work.

Anyone have any opinions of Tom sounds? 66 views of this post and no one's replied? anyone at all? I've seen post about kicks and snares. I may play metal but I think the sound of the toms is juat as important as the kick and snare.
As for toms, I usually boost them a little around 3khz, with a narrow bandwith - again, it always depends. Sometimes I really don't need to boost anything. Although I always find myself cutting around 400hz, just a tad - I really hate that frequency....

A lot of the attack and highs are in the oh's. I really pays off moving the microphone around insted of reaching for the EQ. Try it, I really advise you to try it....

good luck....
Talking about mic placement for the toms, I've tried a lot of stuff recently with a SM-57 and the difference was really minimal. Tried the mic inside the tom pointing at the center or the edge, and outside the tom center and edge. I tried different mic angles, distances, and the difference was really insignificant (though inside the tom I had less ooomph, the attack was more bright but weaker).
ok, i find the smaller the tom the higher the mid freq to cut.
So try with the 10" start cutting at 400 and by the time you get to 16 or 18 youre cutting around 250, give it a boost around 3+4k and roll and subs out and tune the drums to the shell. So each drum resonate to itself.
Andy Sneap said:
ok, i find the smaller the tom the higher the mid freq to cut.
So try with the 10" start cutting at 400 and by the time you get to 16 or 18 youre cutting around 250, give it a boost around 3+4k and roll and subs out and tune the drums to the shell. So each drum resonate to itself.

I knew that..? I wish...
"ok, i find the smaller the tom the higher the mid freq to cut.
So try with the 10" start cutting at 400 and by the time you get to 16 or 18 youre cutting around 250, give it a boost around 3+4k and roll and subs out and tune the drums to the shell. So each drum resonate to itself."

Thanks for the advice, when i get something done i'll post a sample.
