Tonetest now with SSD 3.0

Thanks a lot!!!
Yesterday I couldn't resist trying out the Slate drums. And I'm working on a bass sound.

One question (even though this isn't important at the moment) - are the cymbals too loud? Hmmmm...
Ok, now with bass. It's a quick test, same clip. Just changed the highpass to 100Hz on the guitars.

Unfortunately I had not enough time to deal with the bass according to the great tips from this thread:

I'm not sure... sounds lifeless. What do you think? Help higly appreciated!

Sounds pretty killer to me !!! I wouldn't change shit ! And i love the guitar tone (drums sound sweet as well, and the bass does its job perfectly).
Wow thanks guys!:kickass:
I really didn't expect a positive feedback... had to do it with shitty headphones, so adjusting the bass was more guessing than knowing. Not that my "monitors" are better - some old Creative 2.1 PC system. :erk:
BTW any suggestions for ~200 EUR max (active) monitors for beginners???