Tonights show in RI

Poison Godmachine

Atheistic Existentialist
Feb 3, 2002
Berklee College of Music
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I was the moron who yelled "Play some Camel!" Which Mikael responded to with "We just did, all of Ending Credits is just a big Camel rip-off"
That made my night. I thought PT was awsome but is it just me or does Steven Willson seem like a prick? He definatly seemed like he had a stick up his ass to me.
I usually lurk here, but ya, I was also at the show. You were the camel guy? That was pretty funny. I was right up front, somewhat close to you I imagine. I was the idiot who let out a huge black metal growl when Mike said something like "Of course, we still all love black metal" It may be just you, I don't know. But to me, Steven didn't come off as a prick at all. I met Opeth and Porcupine after the show, and when talking to him, he didn't seem prick like, he was pretty friendly. Their set was AMAZING though. In my opinion, better than Opeth's. It was just so.......WOW
The highlights for me were.....Closure (that extended jam was great) and To Bid You Farewell. For PT.........hmmmmm.......Shesmovedon, Hatesong, and Trains.
i was there, and i remember you both. perhaps you saw me...i was right up front, like directly infront of the microphone. i had on a clayman in flames shirt.

great show by both bands, id have to say porcupine tree outdid opeth...pure brilliance. steve didnt seem like a prick, perhaps he was a tad nervous because the show was hyped to much.

highlights for opeth - face of melinda
porcupine tree - even less (sounded amazing) trains, blackest eyes.

what was the name of the song that the guitarist for pt sung instead of steve? i didnt recognize it, it was great.
Fade Away, thats what I said! WOOOOOOO! Wait? Were you the drunk guy in the In Flames shirt who put me and my friend in a head lock when he wanted to crowd serf? :) That guy was an ass, he was just yelling "Fuck You!" and giving Steve Willson the finger. What a douche!
i was there. that was awesome. i was so happy to hear benighted. thats one of my fav opeth songs. pt blew my mind. i need to own everything by them now. i need to kidnap them.

(i was the girl in the PINK shirt and glasses... i didnt yell out anything memorable)
LOL @ the camel yell I remember that. that was awesome.

couchonurza, I was next to you. i was the tall kid with the plain black shirt on that got the pick. ... i have pictures of mickael's pick if anyone wants to see em.

devy metal, i remember you too haha.
Posion Godmachine, We went out to the busses about 10 minutes after Porcupine Tree had finished their set. We waited for about 10 minutes and Mikael came out of the bus. He signed stuff and let us take pics with him. The rest came out much later. Steven came out about an hour later, followed by the rest of PT, they all gave autographs and pics too. Are any of you who atteneded the Providence show going to Berklee tonight?
devy metal - Yep, I remember you
illusion - the pick just magically fell into your hair, haha.
I had maybe one of the best times in my life at this Providence show.

I guess it's due to actually getting to go backstage and rub elbows with my idols, but it was more than that, I love the accoustic nature of this tour, it really nails it in that Opeth is a true and epic metal band, with a range and scope that is unmatched, i think, in the world of metal today.

Anyway, they are as chill individuals as anyone could meet, and I had a blast in the back and on the bus with them... The keyboardist on this tour is prone to hiccups which was hard-fought to get rid of, but we managed to by tickling him. There's a picture of that floating around out there somewhere taken by Peter.

I was happy to know in all my queries of what their favorite bands were, who their influences are, that the Beatles came up many times,....(Akerfeldt: you really are the coolest!), along with many of the other classics that will blow your eardrums out when cranked to full volume!

Anyway, I took a bunch of live pictures last night, and Martin Lopez gave me the ok to post them here, which I'm thinking on doing.
So stay tuned all you Opeth-heads out there!

Hey, does anyone know the origin of their cover that did? 'Soldier of Fortune', I think it was. It was beautiful anyway.

Hope to see some of you tonight at Berkely.

iamindarkness said:
Hey, does anyone know the origin of their cover that did? 'Soldier of Fortune', I think it was. It was beautiful anyway.

Deep Purple recorded it originally. A very good tune, but Opeth's version put the original to shame.