Too far maybe ?


sweet bitching
Jan 9, 2002
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Steve, you've got the last post on the top 11 threads

In case you are unaware, let me refresh your memory:

Cardinal sin #1 - bumping your own threads repeatedly
Cardinal sin #2 - an abundance of posts that contain 1 letter or 1 smilie etc.
Cardinal sin #3 - posting on one thread 3 times in a row.

These all go hand in hand, my friend. And you've crossed the line, therefore you are BANNED

And also, another reminder:

"1. Stupidity...The Cardinal Sin of Satanism"
Anton LaVey, "The 9 Satanic Sins"

Satan is not impressed.
well, at least he keeps the board lively. :)
but yes, i agree that - generally speaking - all should privilege content over frequency. perhaps more time spent on thinking about new topics instead of time devoted to the token daily posts on the same old ones?
Yeah I know what you mean. I prefer lively boards too, but I'd rather have a somewhat dead board with good content than a lively board full of whatever you wanna call this
meh, my post was half-joking anyways :loco:
rahvin said:
well, at least he keeps the board lively. :)
but yes, i agree that - generally speaking - all should privilege content over frequency. perhaps more time spent on thinking about new topics instead of time devoted to the token daily posts on the same old ones?

yes, all, quality vs quantity is a good guideline.

*note to self: improve quality of posts* :)
@wildfyr: you certainly don't have any quantity issue. not nearly as bad as i do, at least. ;)

you see, the way i picture this moment is: end of summer, we're relaxing at home without anything much to do, there's still an overabundance of sun and warmth in the air... i shift lazily on the sofa, you guys grab a beer from the fridge, steve420 makes paper airplanes and tosses them out the window.
now, in normal conditions it makes sense that we all get off our asses and start discussing, say, the implications of following fashion and trends for the youth of today. or go see a movie. but given the situation i'm not inclined to take out my whip.
unless we want cream for a cake?
it now makes so much more sense to me! THANK YOU RAHVIN THANK YOU
I guess I've just been around Steve much longer than most of you, so I know the shinanigans this boy likes to play. He's been banned from like 8 times or something, and it all started exactly like this. Call me paranoid, but it could be that I'm just unbelievably smart, as well as psychic and a king among men :Smokedev:

Rahvin - I'm not much of a beer man, unless it involves a funnel (or a few acid tabs :tickled: )
@gums: i know all about hmas. however, steve's not new around here and so far his behaviour's been pretty stable, so i have no reason - except a sense of reverence towards you, a king among men :p - to assume this is the beginning of anything much. some might find his posts annoying as they are, but - alas! - this is true for each and every one of us. included, to the extreme surprise and sometimes utter disbelief of fans, yours truly. :eek: would you believe it?

What you didn't see about HMAS was the email and comment sbetween Reno and I. And I was intentionaly being an asshole there. I make an effort not to multiple post, but sometimes I'll be able to be online for half an hour or an hour i a week, so I try to go through eerythign quickly, then forget ot say dsomething, use the quick reply... etc.
And Gums, don't forget, oyu wer ebanned from HMAS once, And I got you unbanned.
Peace, my boys, peace, grab the alcohol and let the guns down. :D

Siren :)s)
I will also add the personal shots taken at me On UM. Now let's all laugh at this picture :)
By the way, this is why I wa sbanned form HMAS, not posting like that. And whatever they say is bullshit, since Iwas told this, and only this was why.

***the picture here was removed by the administrators***
Blah blah blahahahhahahha this is not serious; i'm not mad, fuckers.
I just like to rant the odd time and if possible, stir up some shit :p. Plus, if you post 20 times in like 5 minutes, you're asking for it

What was funny is how seriously he took it, and made up shit about it and told peope that. I spent maybe 3 minutes making it. Mark takes more shit from Stygian in one day than he every did.
And of course, I only really spam on the Opeth board. Plus, my responses here are over 4 hours or so. and I bumped some good threads (only two of mine are up, and they're for fun) The empty your clipboard thread is one I post in a ot, sincE Ihaev funny things on my clipboard. Like the conversation harassing pancakes.