Well, InuroBractea isn't the name of my band, but it is the name of the website I once had... kind of... up (title page and a few reviews/stuff/pics). I think the crappy free forums are still there, haven't checked them in months

. I did happen to use hte name on HMAS, but I never had a use for a second account on UM. My band's name is Ex Machina BTW. And I need anew bass so we can practice...
the Satan Of Bodom account was registered by me as a joke of how "gr1m and tr00" people were, but I gave it to a friend to view Pancakes' profile before buggin him on AIM. I also gave it to someone else to see something (possibly to view the rep system?).
And although you are probably convinced I'm cheating, After the comment about voting with my brother's account (basically I followed him arround tellign him to vote for FreeCard until he voted, by clicking the submit button since I logged in for him and loaded the page)
I donn't want to piss off Villain morre, since he's a bad person to fuck with.
And Rahvin, if you want, you can remove the votes for those accounts. although I have no idea who one of them is (a me impersonator?)
I'm going to stop typing now sinc my head hurts (possibly due to the 3 inch gash in my scalp)