Too far maybe ?

I don't mind Steve's posts. In fact, I enjoy them.

I don't post on HMAS any more (my time limits), but I didn't have a problem with the moderators.

Tranquillian said:
Random post.
I have a new avatar.
I like your new avatar. It gives me a warm feeling inside, probably as it reminds me of those living dead movies.
rahvin said:
@wildfyr: you certainly don't have any quantity issue. not nearly as bad as i do, at least. ;)

you see, the way i picture this moment is: end of summer, we're relaxing at home without anything much to do, there's still an overabundance of sun and warmth in the air... i shift lazily on the sofa, you guys grab a beer from the fridge, steve420 makes paper airplanes and tosses them out the window.
now, in normal conditions it makes sense that we all get off our asses and start discussing, say, the implications of following fashion and trends for the youth of today. or go see a movie. but given the situation i'm not inclined to take out my whip.
unless we want cream for a cake?

vispgrädde?! ;-) jordgubbar med vispgrädde?! YUM! :grin:

i've got complaints about the picture you posted. it had pictures of people in it, and at least one was not ok with you using the photo.
strictly speaking, and sticking to a formal code of conduct, you have no right to put online anybody else's picture without their consent. or - in case the original shot was online already, something i'm pretty sure of - to make *ahem* original artwork *ahem* based on said person's pic. without a leg to stand on except for the fact that the picture was not offensive in any way (or so i think, but i'm way less malicious than most), i had to remove the photo.

however, it's obvious to the naked i that this thing between you and the people we will refer to as "these people" is just personal and doesn't have much to do with board protocol. i am of the opinion that the only way to win this private struggle is by letting it go without looking back. forget about these people, remove them from your hard drive, step aside all further mention of your past guerrilla, leave them to check your every post in vain.
Gums said:
You're right. Him, his brother, and his friend all vote for the exact same songs on every survivor, my mistake :hotjump:

did i say it's a coincidence?
however unimportant we might decide it can be, there is a difference between calling your ultimatemetal friends to join you in voting for a certain option and being your ultimatemetal friends voting for a certain option.
you're bright enough to see it, i'm bright enough to see it, so there's no need to imply either of us is not, unless you have further reasons to suggest i failed to grasp the implications?
I guess I'm not bright enough to see it, cause I think that if I asked 15 of my UM friends to vote for a song that they know nothing about, and they did it, it still wouldn't be right. You could win every round doing that. Where do you draw the line? 3 friends? 10?
Either way, it was obvious that he voted on his brothers account .. that reply he made to Villain was the biggest coverup I've ever seen :hotjump:
Gums said:
I guess I'm not bright enough to see it, cause I think that if I asked 15 of my UM friends to vote for a song that they know nothing about, and they did it, it still wouldn't be right.

i don't remember saying it was right either. i think i just said inurobractea might be steve's brother.

You could win every round doing that. Where do you draw the line? 3 friends? 10?
Either way, it was obvious that he voted on his brothers account .. that reply he made to Villain was the biggest coverup I've ever seen :hotjump:

ok then. you've shown both bravery and good investigation skills. you're therefore hired as official supervisor to the correct running of the polls. i expect you to check thoroughly for evidence of:

- any other voter having expressed his/her opinion more than once through multiple accounts;
- any other voter having bribed, intimidated, persuaded, or coerced friends into voting for the songs he/she liked the least;
- any other voter having used illicit means to have more than one vote assigned to a specific song, or subtracted to it;
- any other act of foul play as common sense would define it in this case.

you're free to do checks on previous rounds as well. please report back by tuesday. good luck. ;)
rahvin said:
ok then. you've shown both bravery and good investigation skills. you're therefore hired as official supervisor to the correct running of the polls. .

you're free to do checks on previous rounds as well. please report back by tuesday. good luck. ;)

Sweet! Although it took little in the way of bravery, it did require good investigation skills! I am happy to be supervisor.

I've checked all rounds , and STEVE is the only CRIMINAL. thus, he should be banned! permanently!

Also, as supervisor, I want to remind you that its not always possible to catch people cheating (obviously), just as its not possible to catch people committing crimes.. but , if somebody confesses - he is guilty! And Steve has already confessed! HE'S GUILTY
now we must ban him
Gums said:
Sweet! Although it took little in the way of bravery, it did require good investigation skills! I am happy to be supervisor.

I've checked all rounds , and STEVE is the only CRIMINAL. thus, he should be banned! permanently!

are you positive? what if other "friends" (note the homosexual double entendre) around here have done the same, hmm? :Smug:
besides is not the inquisitor's duty to decide of the punishment. this is something i do. :)

Also, as supervisor, I want to remind you that its not always possible to catch people cheating (obviously), just as its not possible to catch people committing crimes..

:eek: shocking news! :p
yes, it's usually next to impossible to catch people cheating this way. that's why i think we should just cope with it. i don't have the time or the patience to enforce rules such as "you have to have at least 150 posts on um before you're allowed to vote", and i suppose it wouldn't even be fair. if steve says it's him what done it (true '50s lingo, i tell you :p) then ok, i'll subtract the votes. but it's beyond the means and intentions of this good court *ahem* to run around chasing youngsters' friends and family in order to interview them about their taste in dark tranquillity.
so if you've got business with steve, take him out in the streets and give him a beating, because the long arm of the law is a dwarf's, and he's getting back to work in ten hours so he'd much rather spend some time getting depressed than playing perry mason all night. ;)

but , if somebody confesses - he is guilty! And Steve has already confessed! HE'S GUILTY
now we must ban him

the defendant is not here so i refuse to proceed. mr. gums, come closer to my desk, if you please. good lad. d'you want to be re-elected? then take it easier on the voters. ;)

@incendiare: i shall not tolerate to be interrupted when i'm holding court, young lady. :p