
Tool - changed my life with existentialism...they're the fucking creators of everything. maynard is SO! FUCKING! GOOD! OMOFOFMDOFMDMFDSOFMSDKMFASKDMFASLDKMFDM
Jon Snow said:
Beach Boys > Tool

Im not sure i would go so far hahaha...but the Beach Boys are great.

Jon Snow said:
Yea, it was hilarious how much of a fanboy he was. Should be an interesting album anyways. I'm skeptical about the release date though. I wasn't expecting anything new until 2012.

I wouldn't have been at all surprised, theyre in the same league as NIN with their album releases.
Theyre extremely in touch rhythmically. I dont think theyre necessarily drums based but the drums do play a major role in comparison to many prog rock/metal bands. Give the guitarist some credit :err:
Danny Careys drumming is a huge driving factor though, wouldnt be Tool otherwise. Hes like their signature, next to Maynard.
Lateralus didn't impress me when it was first released. Since then, it's become one of my most listened to albums. Great Stuff !!!

Still waiting on a name & release date for the new album. I also have a feeling they'll headline Ozzfest ???
Tool is drum n' bass!:Spin:

Really though, the cool thing about this band is how tight the drum/guitar/bass interactions are. I actually think their music is most driven by Chancellor's bass, but Adam, Danny and Justin are all essential to their sound. Good stuff.
I love lateralus ... but their previous albums imo are far less interesting (although still more than lots of other stuff of course). oh well, I'll probably be considered an idiot for this, don't care.
Hm it´s your opinon, not idiot. I think that I can see why. In the other hand, I am sure, that you would like AEnima, just listen to it quite more, Black Session.
I thought I liked Tool, until I realized i don't actually like Lateralus that much, I only like the 'songs' from Aenima, and with the exception of 2 or 3 songs from Undertow, everything previous is terrible imo....

I hope I like the new album...
I have some news:
well, i just spoke to the person who interviewed tool today in munich. there was a pre-listening of the album - maynard welcomed the journalists, put the cd into the stereo, pressed play, left the room and returned when the album finished. and track 5 seems to be the single.

there are no names of the album and tracks as of yet. the titles aren't chosen until shortly before the release. additionally, april 28th was mentioned as a release date by a record company official.
opeth8 said:
I also have a feeling they'll headline Ozzfest ???
I doubt it. Unless Ozzfest has European dates. They'll be in Europe all summer.

Fredy_Brown said:
And that post made them worse?
Why do you post to this thread, blimey? Why do you make nonsense posts like this?

Because he's a douche and needs some attention.;) He's French Canadian for fuck's sake.