Top 10 Extreme Doom Metal Albums of All Time ✝️ (Death/Doom, Black/Doom, Funeral Doom & Sludge)


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland

Here's the counterpart to the video I shared before on Trad/Epic Doom. What do you think of the list? What are your tops in this area?

I don't really listen to a great deal of this stuff. I don't really care for any of the above except Death/Doom. I don't have a ranking, but here's some stuff I like:

Amorphis - Tales From the Thousand Lakes
Antestor - Martyrium
Crowned in Sorrow - In Memoriam
GROMS - Ascension
Katatonia - Brave Murder Day
Novembers Doom - The Pale Haunt Departure
Paramaecium - Exhumed of the Earth
Paramaecium - Within the Ancient Forest
Paramaecium - Echoes From the Ground
Sawol - Through Soil and Skin

I also have My Dying Bride - Turn Loose the Swans and Winter - Into Darkness but haven't listened to them much. I'm thinking about picking up Paradise Lost - Gothic and Anathema - Serenades. I also have some Virgin Black I haven't really gotten around to.
Winter is easily my favourite from the video's list, but Disembowelment is decent. I know the Katatonia one but they don't do much for me. I did see Bell Witch live when they toured Mirror Reaper here and that was fucking cool. I've tried Paradise Lost but their only album I could get into is Icon.

My faves would be ones I already listed in this thread of course:

1. Eagle Twin - The Unkindness of Crows
2. Malachi - Wither to Cover the Tread
3. Creeping - Order of Snakes
4. Creeping - Funeral Crawl
5. Black Boned Angel - The End
6. Plastic Gods - Plastic Gods

I guess some stuff labelled as sludge and whatnot isn't that extreme, being closer to the stoner rock/stoner metal end of things. Anyway, I'd add these:

Black Boned Angel - Supereclipse (either version), Verdun
Bleed This Earth - Bleed This Earth (they have a new one coming out this week)
Bongripper - Hate Ashbury, Satan Worshipping Doom, Terminal
Coffins - The Other Side of Blasphemy, Beyond the Circular Demise
Eagle Twin - The Feather Tipped the Serpent's Scale, The Thundering Heard
Earth - Extra-Capsular Extraction
Isis - Celestial
Malachi - Malachi
Monarch - 666, Die Tonight, Never Forever
Plastic Gods - Quadriplegiac, III
Unruly - Unruly
W.A.I.L. - Wisdom Through Agony Into Illumination and Lunacy
Whitehorse - Death Weight
The list:

The Ahab album is very good. The band has been trying to beat it since. Needs to be listened to as a whole.
I like Paradise Lost's first 5 to varying degrees, but dont love em. They've always paled in comparison to their two other brethren.
Dont know Bell Witch.
Turn Loose the Swans is fantastic. Not my fave from them, but a masterwork
I used to have that Winter album, long ago. Never was my thing.
Autopsy Mental Funeral....necro death perfection
Acid Bath released two killer records. That one is my favorite
Disembowelment....see Winter
That Katatonia is great stuff. Only album with Renske doing his black metal vocals, if Im not mistaken
Thergothon is okay. I prefer Skepticism
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Personal faves:

Anathema - Serenades (doom/death)
Arcane Sun - s/t (doom/death)
Church of Misery - Master of Brutality (stoner doom)
Hinayana - Endless (doom/death)
Katatonia - Brave Murder Day (doom/death)
Morgion - Solinari (doom/death)
My Dying Bride - A Map of All Our Failures (doom/death) (but really, they have a ton of great albums)
Orphaned Land - Sahara (Middle Eastern doom/death) (the follow up is better but this one is more doom)
Saturnus - any and all (doom/death)

among others.....
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A couple off the top of my head:

Katatonia - Brave Murder Day - No death/doom list is complete with this one tbh, crazy how good this album is.
Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea - One of the few funeral doom albums I listen to with any regularity. Fantastic atmosphere.
Shape of Despair - Angels of Distress - ...and this is probably the other funeral doom album I'd put on the list. As with all funeral doom albums, this one requires some patience to get through, but it's not as monotonous as many albums in the genre tend to be.
Swallow the Sun - Hope - Great album that pretty much got me into the subgenre. This one has a really good mix of more upbeat death/doom or melodic death metal stuff to the closing track which is straight up funeral doom.
Slumber - Fallout - One of my all time favourite albums (very melodic death/doom), and they only released the one. The members split after this and formed Enshine and Atoma respectively.
Daylight Dies - Lost to the Living - Stumbled upon this album (death/doom) on Youtube back when it was released and it just clicked straight away. Very underrated band.
Doom:VS - Dead Words Speak - Draconian's guitarist released a few solo albums under this name, and plays death/doom that borders on funeral doom.
Rapture - Songs for the Withering - If Katatonia continued with the sound on BMD, they would sound like this. No band has come closer to that sound imo.
Skepticism - Lead and Aether
Unholy- Gracefallen
Dusk- Mourning......Resurrect
diSEMBOWELMENT - Transcendence Into the Peripheral
Katatonia - Brave Murder Day
Pantheist - Amartia (You might like this Opeth17--it's funeral doom with harsh & operatic vocals with a religious concept around the deadly sins. They have one more EP in this style)
Esoteric - Metamorphogenesis
Arcane Sun - s/t (this album is really so beyond just doom/death i'm not sure it applies)
Nightly Gale - Illusion of Evil
Ehnahre - Douve
If not counting Arcane Sun then, Uaral - Sounds of Pain...
There's some good stuff in this thread. I remember adoring that Uaral album after Ken made a thread about it on RC. I probably haven't listened to it for 15 years though. Will give it a spin tomorrow.
Some intriguing stuff here. Looks like I have some work to do.

Pantheist - Amartia (You might like this Opeth17--it's funeral doom with harsh & operatic vocals with a religious concept around the deadly sins.

Thanks, will look into them.

I've really been appreciating Tiamat - Clouds lately. Never listened to much early Tiamat back in the day (a little of The Astral Sleep), but I'm really digging this one (more than AS actually). I dig that it has the death/doom roots along with the dreamy atmosphere of Wildhoney and ADKoS with some gothic elements mixed in. It's a kind of combination of everything Tiamat. That was really some run from Clouds through A Deeper Kind of Slumber (and I like Astral Sleep and Skeleton Skeletron too.