With English not being your second language you should know that it's spelled "innovative" LULZYeah, Disconnected was a Nobel prize candidate... but Doris Lessing got in the way.
Still, ASOP remains a bastion of good musical taste and inovative songwriting for all true artists to follow.
Yeah well, going from growls/screaming vocals to a 100% singing/yelling or whatever is going to attract haters (talkinga bout Opeth).I just have to say to all 'old school IF fans' and their bitching that they fail... Compared to the bitching about Opeth's new album this is patheticthose people know how to complain about sth.
With English not being your second language you should know...
Serbian. I know my english is not perfect, but I think it's fairly understandable. Minor spelling mistakes here and there, wrong articles when I'm not paying enough attention etc.
But now I'm worried about swedish school system...
Your english is excellent
I'd say your English is pretty good
Kinda makes me ashamed I can't speak any other language even remotelyonly swears in French