Top 10 "New" In Flames songs

Yeah, Disconnected was a Nobel prize candidate... but Doris Lessing got in the way.

Still, ASOP remains a bastion of good musical taste and inovative songwriting for all true artists to follow.
Yeah, Disconnected was a Nobel prize candidate... but Doris Lessing got in the way.

Still, ASOP remains a bastion of good musical taste and inovative songwriting for all true artists to follow.
With English not being your second language you should know that it's spelled "innovative" LULZ
I just have to say to all 'old school IF fans' and their bitching that they fail... Compared to the bitching about Opeth's new album this is pathetic :D those people know how to complain about sth.
I just have to say to all 'old school IF fans' and their bitching that they fail... Compared to the bitching about Opeth's new album this is pathetic :D those people know how to complain about sth.
Yeah well, going from growls/screaming vocals to a 100% singing/yelling or whatever is going to attract haters (talkinga bout Opeth).
They completely dropped the DM element in their music and made a prog rock record. This is not me hating, don't even listen to Opeth. But I doubt anyone is surprised that some people hate it.
Deliver Us
All For Me
Where the Dead Ships Dwell
Darker Times
Enter Tragedy
Crawl Through Knives
My Sweet Shadow
Evil In A Closet

.....and SOAPF, The Puzzle, Fear is the Weaknes, The Attic, Jester's Door and A New Dawn.
A88, are you serbian or do you just live in Serbia? Your english is excellent :D
Serbian. I know my english is not perfect, but I think it's fairly understandable. Minor spelling mistakes here and there, wrong articles when I'm not paying enough attention etc.

But now I'm worried about swedish school system...
Serbian. I know my english is not perfect, but I think it's fairly understandable. Minor spelling mistakes here and there, wrong articles when I'm not paying enough attention etc.

But now I'm worried about swedish school system...

I'd say your English is pretty good; I don't really ever have any trouble understanding you at all. Same goes for almost everybody else.
In all seriousness, if you didn't have your location as Serbia I'd assume you were a natural english speaker.

Kinda makes me ashamed I can't speak any other language even remotely :D only swears in French :D I can use google translate to speak serbian though...

Ин Фламес су Ауесоме, некада давно, али онда Андерс рекао Бјорна "Хеј, то Јеспер је мало геј, а Ирон Маиден сисати, зашто не бисмо зарадјивацете уместо фагги емо музику?" Бјорн се сложио и овог пакта ће на крају облику оно што ми сада знамо као музику за Ваш Бекство и осећај сврхе ... неки су описани ових албума као анални цурење из дупе у пламену у наслеђе '... неки су били у праву.

How's that :D

Quite terrible... but I can actually understand it. :D "In Flames" looks funny in cyrillic letters.

Good description of STYE and ASOP btw...

Kinda makes me ashamed I can't speak any other language even remotely :D only swears in French :D

I can swear in Hungarian. :D Used to learn French when I was a kid, but I remember only the basic stuff now.

Good thing about being Serbian: You can also speak Croatian, Bosnian and Montenegrin (well, basically it is the same lagnguage - "serbo-croatian") and pretty much understand the meaning of text written in Russian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Slovenian and few other slavic languages.
Sweet :D all other countries seem to learn english as standard... we're the only country that seems to not give a fuck about any language but our own :D
Hey, but you can understand scousers (or can you?)... The rest of the world can't. :D
Come on, I have enough arguments with scousers on football forums, I don't need their "boss, la", "stevie gerrard is mint, la", "negro isn't a racist term, la" crap on here too :D
Hey man... Stevie G is mint! :D

He's okay when he's not diving like a starfish or beating up DJ's for refusing to play Phil Collins :D