Top 100 Metal Bands Ever

All they did was post partial discographies of Metallica, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Slayer and Judas Priest in a seemingly random order, add a couple of Death CD's in an attempt at gaining "street cred" and call it a Top 100 list.
"Below are what we, the staff of, have collectively decided are the best and most influential heavy metal albums of all time. We scored a list of some 400-500 albums to determine the top 100. There is absolutely nothing scientific about the ranking that appears below; it is simply the collective opinion of a group of true metalheads. Not everyone will agree with the list or all the items in it, and that's fine, we make no apologies for having an opinion and sharing it with you! This is not meant to be the only definitive list in existence, but it does reflect the common interests of everyone who writes for this webzine as of September 2003. "

Just their opinions
so why not
I agree, the lost sucks. It seems - like someone else said - to just randomly select titles from Metallica, Maiden, Megadeth, Slayer, Judas Priest, and the occasional one like Dio or Sabbath.
Spirit In Black said:
Most of the world seems to believe they are.

Edit: This list sucks.
But most of us here, and most metalheads in general, do not think those bands are metal. And I find it ironic that people from a "metal" site such as Metal Rules would consider those bands metal. Those bands are pure hard rock.
Life Sucks said:
But most of us here, and most metalheads in general, do not think those bands are metal. And I find it ironic that people from a "metal" site such as Metal Rules would consider those bands metal. Those bands are pure hard rock.
I agree those bands are defenetly not metal. It seems odd that a site that would give many death, black, thrash metal cd's high ratings and then would not put them on their list. These lists are usually made please people that don't know what real metal is. So they can look at the list and say "hey I know all of these cd's."
But you guys are also forgetting that metal was not defined by all these recent bands. "Heavy metal" is what AC/DC and Motley Crue were called back in their day, because they are heavier and more aggressive than hard rock. Metal has been around since the early 80s, but most people wrongly assume it was started by a band like Metallica, Megadeth or Slayer. Metal is such a wide term nowadays too.
AC DC, Motley Crue, Def Leppard, etc. are hard rock. They are not more aggressive than hard rock. Metal back in those days was Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, Bathory, Diamondhead, Venom, etc.. All of those bands have been around since the early 80s or even late 70s. I am practically 27, so I remember the 80s, having started listening to music when I was in elementary school. Cock rock was never metal.
That list sucks. For a list which is supposed to show the top 100 metal albums, its missing out a hell of a lot of the genre.