Top 10 Most Extreme Metal Albums


Cessation Of Life
Mar 28, 2002
Below are what we, the staff of, have collectively decided are the best and/or most influential extreme metal albums of all time.

Based on the success (and rampant discussion!) that took place as a result of our "Top 100 Heavy Metal Albums", we decided to devote a top list for extreme metal. For this top 50 list, we agreed that extreme metal encompasses: death metal, black metal, and some of the more extreme forms of thrash metal. We didn't allow any overly melodic thrash metal albums on the list in an effort to keep the final list to the more extreme side of things. We also disallowed melodic death metal, but we did allow some of the earlier albums from bands that started out as much heavier than what they eventually became.

Although this is an extreme metal list, this is not a ranking of "who is the heaviest band", "who is the most satanic", or "who is the most underground". How underground, satanic, or how heavy a band is may not ALWAYS be related to extremity or how they rank in a list of what we considered the most important extreme albums. We rated our master list based on quality and on the album's influence.

We scored a list of just over 500 albums to determine this top 50. There is absolutely nothing scientific about the ranking that appears below; it is simply the collective opinion of a group of true metalheads. Not everyone will agree with the list or all the items in it, and that's fine, we make no apologies for having an opinion and sharing it with you! This is not meant to be the only definitive list in existence, but it does reflect the common interests of everyone who writes for this webzine as of October 2003.

#1. Mercyful Fate - Don't Break The Oath
#2. Mercyful Fate - Melissa
#3. Venom - Black Metal
#4. Slayer - Show No Mercy

#5. Kreator - Pleasure to Kill
#6. Slayer - Hell Awaits
#7. Death - Symbolic

#8. At The Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
#9. Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness
#10. Possessed - Seven Churches

For more on this go to:
I glad to say that whatever Metal-Rules.Com thinks is the top 10 of metal, it has no bearing on my life, or influences what I listen to, or is close to my own opinion of the top 10 Metal bands & albums of all time......Do they even know what the definition of Extreme Metal is?.....................I think NOT!
well if 2 Mercyful Fate albums are the #1 and #2 of extreme metal, I would say they don't know what extreme metal is......

and Darkness Descends doesn't even come in on their list until #41.... How does anything by In FLames, Entombed, Emperor and Arch Enemy come into any top metal list in front of Dark Angel? I'm in agreement with DE, they don't know what they speak of.
"Top 100 Heavy Metal Albums"

this here... Why is Rust In Peace at number 16? that should be either number one or 2... and where's peace sells?
Atleast the top 10 are all great records. I was expecting to see some gay shit on that top 10. Didnt bother to read theentire list but if crap like In Flames and Arch Enema are ahead of DARK ANGEL then some heads are inserted incredibly far up some rectums! Pleasure to Kill and Seven Churches indeed belong in the top 10!
Maybe they should of put them in era's as well...but over all? No way..Napalm Death and The Crown are bad ass......there are so many death metal bands out now compared to the early days..its just crazy....if you go by sells..ok... you got statistics..but after that its just opinion. Just imagine all the fastest shit you have heard and try to exclude prejudice over your me thats hard..cause I have heard some very fast shit I didnt like...but they did shred!